I Think Covid Broke My Shopping Addiction

shopping addiction
life coach

I used to have a shopping addiction. This might surprise you because I am known for being a bit frugal and living within my means, but the truth is I would often go shopping whether I needed something or not. I would shop for all the wrong reasons:

  • Boredom
  • Emotional ups and downs
  • To treat myself
  • Wanting to look good for others
  • For the high of getting something new, even if it was short lived.
  • Loving to get deals (I never met a t-shirt on a clearance rack I didn’t love.)

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Mindful Meditation – How I Integrate It Into My Life

mindful meditation
life coach

You’ve probably heard that mindful meditation is a good way to relieve stress or anxiety and improve general well-being, but it sounds like you have to go sit somewhere, close your eyes and meditate like a yogi. While that is one possibility, there are many other ways to practice this healing tool.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not very good at the whole meditating thing. There are times when it works for me, but most of the time I somehow get lost in the trying instead of the experience. Practicing mindfulness feels more natural and has similar benefits.

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Moving from California to a Small Town in Missouri – 5 Years Later

Leaving ca moving to a small town in Missouri

I just passed the 5 year anniversary of my move from California to a small town in Missouri and have been reminiscing quite a bit. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. Making the decision, house hunting and the road trip here with my friend Traci seem like they just happened yesterday.

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Watching TV

watching tv

I’ve been watching more TV than usual lately. It’s been a very cold winter and of course, there was that whole Covid thing going on too. About a month ago I received my second vaccine and had a reaction. I spent a couple days laying down and then experienced vertigo for a few more. Needless to say, I watched a lot of television.

Since then, I seem to be watching a couple hours every evening, sometimes even more. I’m enjoying my TV time, but not feeling good about feeling addicted and wasting my life away. It’s just not in alignment with my values.

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The Art of Puttering

puttering putter
roses life coach

Every once in awhile I come across a day that is not filled with deadlines, priorities or phone calls. My color coded calendar will have tasks that are mostly muted colors of grey or light blue, with nothing dramatic to catch my eye. They become a blur of suggestions for the day, not absolutes.

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Simple Solutions: Feeling Too Busy

feeling too busy

When you say yes, yes, yes to too many things your schedule can become overwhelming. You may find yourself feeling too busy, stressed and spending time on things that don’t speak to your heart.

Your time is a precious commodity and it is limited. Giving yourself away to a cycle of being too busy can leave you feeling trapped and exhausted, without being able to see a way out. After all, you are the one everyone depends on. Right?

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Create Your Own Code of Honor

code of honor
honor code

I was talking to a client last night about living his values and he brought up a code he was taught when taking karate lessons as a kid. It reminded me of when I created a program for teenage girls called, Living as a Samurai. A big part of that experience was to create their own Samurai code to live by.

Honor codes have been around for years, but in my generation they were mostly in the world of men. They are common in martial arts, the military and sports. Some businesses have them too, but they might call them something else.

These codes of honor can support us in feeling stronger within ourselves and committed to how we want to live our lives. Using them as a guide can reduce stress, bring clarity, make decisions easier and help us stay focused on living as our best selves.

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3 Ways I Control Spending and Save More Money

I’ve had my ups and downs with buying online during all this Covid-19 stuff. I spend more time online and am exposed to more nudges to buy things. It’s amazing how I can feel I have to have something based on an ad or article I’ve read. Scary too.

There are 3 simple things I do that help me buy less and not get caught up in the gotta have it moments.

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A Guide to Heartfelt Living

Living a heartfelt life is one of the most peaceful and joyful ways to experience this world. It’s pretty much the opposite of what we see around us. Most people are too busy, too worried, and completely disconnected from their heart’s wisdom.

Once you start experiencing heartfelt moments you will crave them more and more. But, how is it possible to shape your entire life around them? It’s not as hard as you think and when you do it will feel like coming home to the life you were meant to live.

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Eating Well

eating well
healthy eating
healthy diet

When I was young I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight so I’ve never been much of a dieter. Even so, I did fall for the low fat craze and actually believed low fat twinkies were real food. I sure ate a lot of them.

Once I hit my 50’s my body began to change and even though I walk regularly I was adding extra pounds. My move from CA to Missouri complicated things even more and I soon found myself 20 pounds over weight. I have since lost half of that and am working on the rest.

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Feeling Called to a Simpler Life

simple life
simple living

It often starts as a small voice and then builds into a yearning for a simpler life and the peace it brings. I believe it’s the voice of your soul calling you away from worldly distractions and back into your heart.

You can try to avoid the calling or postpone taking action, but you will never be able to turn it off fully. It will be there until you make changes that realign your life with your heart’s desire.

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Living the Truth

the truth
living the truth

There was a time in my life when I was a little girl that I felt very insecure. One of the ways I coped with this was to tell people made up stories that made me sound more important than I felt. I told so many falsehoods that I couldn’t keep track of them, which became a source of extreme stress. Eventually, I was found out and became more ostracized than ever.

That was when I became a lover of truth.

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Moving from CA to a Small Town in Missouri: 4 Years Later

small town
moving from CA to a small town in Missouri

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my move from a large Southern CA city to a small town in Missouri. I was born in California and had lived there for 62 years, so this move was a really big change.

I feel really settled in my new town now. I’ve made friends, support the community by being on the library and Women’s Network boards and love being within walking distance of my family.

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A Super Simple Guide to Living Your Best Life

best life woman flowers simple

If you know me, you know I like to keep things simple and this may be one of the simplest posts I ever write.

After decades of learning, studying, supporting clients and working on myself, I think I’ve found the secret to living the life I want. It might be something you will want to try, too.

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From Scattered to Focused in 4 Easy Steps

overwhelm to focused
scattered to focused
Photography lens

I work with a lot of women who have creative minds. Their creativity is a gift that allows them to do amazing things, but sometimes they get lost in their thoughts and ideas and find it difficult to stay focused.

This happens to me too. I am an idea person. Brainstorming is one of my favorite things and my clients would tell you that some very interesting things can come out of my mind when I do this. But, I can get lost in it.

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How to Create a Better Normal after the Lockdown

better normal after the lockdown
Covid 19 lockdown
beautiful flower opening

Whether you have been an essential worker or in lock down mode Covid-19 has changed your world. For many of you, it feels like your life has been put on “pause”, leaving you with extra time to fill and new challenges to meet.

This in between time is an opportunity to listen to your heart and refresh your over-cluttered and busy life. You get to choose how you use it and what to bring forward out of it.

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Things I Am Grateful for During the Covid-19 Shutdown

Covid-19 shutdown
Covid-19 staycation
staying at home
shoes on grass

If you are human, you are likely experiencing some ups and downs during your Covid-19 experience. I know I am. My worldview and thoughts are mostly positive, but last Sunday I ended up having a good cry. The next day I was back to normal again.

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Journaling Prompts for Covid-19 Times

journaling coid-19
woman writing in journal
journaling ideas covid-19

Even if we feel we are handling these unusual times well, they may still be taking a toll on us.

I noticed that I’ve been a little more nervous and jumpy even though my thoughts are mostly positive. My comfort zone seems to be shrinking as my life gets smaller and smaller. You may be noticing something similar or completely different, but I feel sure it’s impacting you too.

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3 Meaningful Things to Do While Staying Home

staying home
art journal 
life coach

Many of us are staying home in cooperation with various quarantines and lockdowns due to Covid 19. This creates an unusual pause in our lives that we can fill in many ways.

Most people get restless after a few days of rest and watching Netflix. It’s an odd feeling to have a forced staycation. But, there are several meaningful ways that you can spend your time. Here are a few I’m recommending to my clients:

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The Gifts of Being Thoughtful

woman holding heart
listen to your heart

In a world where there is so much going on and most of us are flying by the seat of our pants, we seldom take time to think through what we say or do.

Yet, slowing down and being more thoughtful are just what you and your world need.

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