A Super Simple Guide to Living Your Best Life

best life woman flowers simple

If you know me, you know I like to keep things simple and this may be one of the simplest posts I ever write.

After decades of learning, studying, supporting clients and working on myself, I think I’ve found the secret to living the life I want. It might be something you will want to try, too.

The way to create your best life is to live by these 3 questions.

What do I know for sure? Instead of wasting time in dilemma or being challenged by internal fears and external influences, this question takes you straight to the TRUTH. And, it is only on TRUTH that the foundation of your best life can be built.

What does my heart want me to know? Your heart is the voice of your own internal wisdom as well as a conduit for guidance from a higher power.

What would my highest self do? When your actions are aligned with your own value system and internal standards you can trust that they will lead to your best life.

Are you ready to join in an experiment? Try living by these questions for a week, a month, or a year and then let me know how it goes. I bet you will be happy you did.

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