A Grace Filled Way of Entering the New Year

grace filled new year resolutions goals

You may have noticed I’ve been a little quiet lately. Usually, at this time of year I’m advocating year end processes and goal setting for the year to come. And yes, many of my clients are working diligently on these.

But for me, this year felt different. Instead of working on goals I wanted to slide gently and gracefully into the new year.

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How to Plan for a More Simple & Meaningful Holiday Season

meaningful holiday christmas

My holidays have run the gamut from being so poor I could only afford a few thrift store toys for my son to being completely overwhelmed by preparing a holiday meal, attending parties, and finding the perfect gifts for friends, family, and co-workers.

What I’ve learned is that I do best when I keep my holidays simple and close to my heart. I may be crazy, but I think that might be true for most of us. Continue reading

The Power of Gratitude

gratitude grateful heart

For me, a lack of thankfulness shows up as a sense of being disconnected from myself and my higher power. I start to get mired in what is going wrong in my life or the world. Sometimes fantasies of impending doom or victim stories play through my mind. If I let it go too long, it can turn into depression.

I don’t know what to call it, but I think you might know what I am talking about.

What I do know is that when we start to fall into this trap of negativity, the quickest path back to our true selves includes a return to gratitude. Continue reading

Create a Comfort Box for When You Feel Low

comfort box
self care box
spa day box

Years ago I read about the idea of setting up a cache of special items that would bring me comfort when I needed it. My comfort box is pictured above and the funny thing is sometimes just knowing I have it is enough.

I think everyone should have one. It doesn’t have to be a box. It could be a drawer, basket, or whatever you want. The idea is to fill it with things that will soothe your soul when you are not feeling well or having experiencing a hard time.

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Stop Tolerating the Small Stuff

stop tolerating the small stuff 
tv sticker
tolerations l

I bought a TV about a month ago and I am happy with it. But, every time I walk past it I notice the bright yellow sticker that needs to be removed. I pass by it over and over again throughout the day and instead of taking the sticker off, I just tolerate it.

It’s a form of clutter that steals a tiny bit of my energy every time I see it.

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Your Life is a Work of Art

life is a work of art blank canvas paint brushes

Your life is a work of art and you are the artist creating it. It can be big, bold, and full of color or simply shades of gray. You get to decide.

Art can take on many different forms and styles, but ultimately, the goal is to create something beautiful or thought provoking.

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How to Keep Distractions from Taking Over Your Life

distractions take over life
mobile phone distraction
addicted to games
addicted to TV
fully present in life

The word distractions has been coming up in my world lately so I thought I would write about them.

I define distractions as anything that takes your focus away from living a meaningful life.

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Living a Life of Grace & Gratitude

simple living grace and gratitude simple life

Today, I am remembering special moments from my past and feeling into who I have become and what I want more of in my life.

I guess you could say I am in an introspective mood.

From this perspective I can see the gifts of my past challenges and how they supported me in becoming who I am today. I don’t believe in regrets, but have a few. Mostly, I am amazed by my journey and how I moved from feeling broken and unable to function to raising a wonderful son, becoming a coach, and creating a life of grace and gratitude. Continue reading

Accepting the Truth Will Set You Free

truth will set you free, bird flying out of cage, resist the truth, freedom, resisting what is true, accepting the truth  acceptance

Over the years I have talked to a lot of people who were feeling upset or experiencing emotional pain. While their stories may be different, there seems to be a common thread.

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Learning Patience – Again

learning patience feeling peaceful impatient to do list

I would like to believe I’m a patient person. After all, I’ve raised a child, potty trained a dog, and witnessed the growth of my clients with respect for their own process and timing.

But, lately I’ve been feeling frustrated because reality is not matching up with my expectations.

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How to Stop a Spinning Mind

spinning mind monkey mind stress overwhelm negative thoughts

We have all experienced it. Spinning minds that seem to take control and make us feel a little crazy.

It could be about a decision you are trying to make.

Problem solving or ideas for something new

Replaying how someone hurt you or something that went wrong

Or, fear trying to stop you from moving forward.

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5 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Life

journaling writing in a journal write your life story autobiography

I’ve been writing in a journal on and off for years, but my commitment wasn’t as high as it is now.

It all started with the book, “The Artist’s Way” and being inspired by Julia Cameron’s recommendation to write 3 pages every morning. But, it never lasted very long. I would journal in fits and spurts, mostly when something was bothering me and then forget all about it.

I feel more committed now. In addition to writing what is on my mind I am using my journal as a tool to improve my life. I can feel it’s impact almost every day and can’t imagine life without it.

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Rightsize Your Life: Finding Your Sweet Spot

living room simple living rightsize downsize clutter declutter

Everyone seems to be talking about downsizing, decluttering and tidying up these days. Many of you are feeling the weight of too much stuff. Actually, stuffocating. And, it may be impacting you in more ways than you know.

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How to Quiet Your Mind, Sleep Better, & Feel More Positive

thoughts in your head monkey mind woman thinking busy mind can't sleep

I’ve noticed lately that when I have trouble going to sleep it’s usually because my mind is very active. It’s as if a thought or story has triggered it into a hyper state that keeps me from relaxing enough to fall asleep.

As I became more aware of this pattern, I could actually feel the moment my mind clicked in and grabbed onto something that would take it, and me, down the rabbit hole.

I decided to practice letting go of the thoughts in that moment and not let them become fully engaged. It’s working really well.

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4 Steps to Take Before Buying Your Next Home

buying a house buying a home cute house rightsize downsize

Lot’s of space! Granite counter tops! Curb appeal! When looking for a new house it’s easy to get caught up in wanting more, more more.

If you have the perfect house your life inside it will be perfect too. Right? After all, the bank said you can afford it, and they should know. Really?

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Moving from California to a Small Town in Missouri – What about the Weather?

small town in Missouri weather
Moving from Ca

It’s been a couple years since I moved from Southern California to a small town in Missouri. We are having a rough winter here with record breaking snowfall and temps. There was even a polar vortex this week that brought the temperature to 34 below zero with the windchill factored in. It was really, really cold!

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Are You a Woman on the Edge of Transformation?

midlife transformation woman on the edge

There is something stirring in the women around me. I hear it in my conversations with clients and friends. They describe feeling like they are on the edge of something new. Something that is calling to their hearts. Some know what it is and others are still waiting for the voice to become more clear.

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The Gift of Writing Letters from the Heart

writing a letter from the heart writing letters from the heart

One of the things I loved about my friend Sybil while she was on this earth was her joy in bringing people together for food and stimulating conversation. She loved to listen and bask in the warmth of being surrounded by interesting friends.

As she was losing her ability to speak, she started writing letters to us. I came across a few of them recently and they were full of amusing observations and appreciation for the people around her. I could almost here her chuckling between the lines. Continue reading

Too Many Choices

shopping for a computer too many choices

My laptop is dying. It keeps freezing up and doing strange things. The good news is that it gave me some warning so I have a new one on the way while it is still working (barely).

It has been a few years since I bought a computer so I jumped into research mode. I searched Google for articles on what to look for, brand comparisons, and features I might want. And then, it was off to Amazon to check what was available and read all of the reviews on laptops I might consider. Continue reading

The Surprise Benefits of Thinking Before You Speak

think before you speak thoughtful

I like to play with various challenges from time to time. It’s how I learn and grown. So, when someone at church suggested we practice thinking before we speak this week I was all in.

It was a good week for it, too. I had several conversations that needed to be handled carefully.

What I didn’t expect was how my focus on thoughtful speaking would make me feel.  Continue reading