Simple Solutions: Negative Thoughts

negative thoughts
Life Coach

We are always thinking something. More often than not, those thoughts can be negative. We can get so used to them running in the background of our minds that they feel normal and we simply accept how they make us feel.

Thoughts are just thoughts, not who you are, and you have control over them. That means that you can audit them and choose ones that serve you better.

Here are some simple ways to shift your thoughts so that you can think and feel more positive.

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Simple Solutions: Exercise

life coach

Not many people know that I was once an AFAA certified personal trainer. This was back in the days when fitness training was a new thing. I didn’t plan on helping people exercise, I just wanted to learn. And, I learned a lot.

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Saying Goodbye to 2020

saying goodbye to 2020

Well, it’s been quite a year. I know my head is still spinning and will probably continue to for awhile. With all that has happened and all that is still going on, doing an end of the year process is even more important this year.

So, pick up your pens or tablets or whatever you choose to use and let’s get writing.

While 2020 may have been full of loss and distress, remember we are always learning from our experiences and there is always something to be grateful for.

Use these prompts to guide you as you remember the good and the bad and say goodbye to 2020. It doesn’t matter if you write lists, paragraphs, or even a letter to the year. Just write from your heart.

What were the blessings and magical moments I experienced this year?

What successes did I achieve?

What am I proud of myself for?

What surprised me?

What did I learn from this year’s challenges?

What did I worry about and how did it turn out?

What do I want to take from this year to create a foundation for the year to come?

What do I want to leave behind? (physical, mental, or emotional)

What am I most grateful for? Write at least 100 things.

May you have a wonderful New Year holiday that brings closure to the past year and prepares you for a great year to come.

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I Never Imagined

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Life is truly unpredictable and it can be fun to look back and realize how little we knew about how our lives would play out and who we would become.

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3 Ways I Control Spending and Save More Money

I’ve had my ups and downs with buying online during all this Covid-19 stuff. I spend more time online and am exposed to more nudges to buy things. It’s amazing how I can feel I have to have something based on an ad or article I’ve read. Scary too.

There are 3 simple things I do that help me buy less and not get caught up in the gotta have it moments.

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Negative Fantasies

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bad daydreams

Sometimes I think I’m an expert at creating negative fantasies. They may be about someone doing me wrong, my house burning down, a car accident, a fight with someone I care about or any number of things. The one thing they all have in common is that they make me feel sad, depressed or bad about myself.

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The Art of Grieving

grief grieving dying flowers

We are all likely to be experiencing some level of grief today. The loss of jobs, relationships, and way of life due to Covid-19 can all bring deep sadness.

Many of the people I talk to have also recently lost friends or loved ones and are struggling with how to master the art of grieving. The death of someone we love is probably the deepest level of grief we can experience.

I know because I’ve been there.

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Moving from CA to a Small Town in Missouri: 4 Years Later

small town
moving from CA to a small town in Missouri

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my move from a large Southern CA city to a small town in Missouri. I was born in California and had lived there for 62 years, so this move was a really big change.

I feel really settled in my new town now. I’ve made friends, support the community by being on the library and Women’s Network boards and love being within walking distance of my family.

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From Scattered to Focused in 4 Easy Steps

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Photography lens

I work with a lot of women who have creative minds. Their creativity is a gift that allows them to do amazing things, but sometimes they get lost in their thoughts and ideas and find it difficult to stay focused.

This happens to me too. I am an idea person. Brainstorming is one of my favorite things and my clients would tell you that some very interesting things can come out of my mind when I do this. But, I can get lost in it.

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Things I Am Grateful for During the Covid-19 Shutdown

Covid-19 shutdown
Covid-19 staycation
staying at home
shoes on grass

If you are human, you are likely experiencing some ups and downs during your Covid-19 experience. I know I am. My worldview and thoughts are mostly positive, but last Sunday I ended up having a good cry. The next day I was back to normal again.

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Journaling Prompts for Covid-19 Times

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woman writing in journal
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Even if we feel we are handling these unusual times well, they may still be taking a toll on us.

I noticed that I’ve been a little more nervous and jumpy even though my thoughts are mostly positive. My comfort zone seems to be shrinking as my life gets smaller and smaller. You may be noticing something similar or completely different, but I feel sure it’s impacting you too.

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How to Be a Light in Trying Times

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angel light

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A few years back I moved to another state to be close to my family, but I remember how isolated I felt before then with no family near by. That is why my mind keeps going to the seniors, shut ins, and people alone during these trying times of Covid 19.

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3 Meaningful Things to Do While Staying Home

staying home
art journal 
life coach

Many of us are staying home in cooperation with various quarantines and lockdowns due to Covid 19. This creates an unusual pause in our lives that we can fill in many ways.

Most people get restless after a few days of rest and watching Netflix. It’s an odd feeling to have a forced staycation. But, there are several meaningful ways that you can spend your time. Here are a few I’m recommending to my clients:

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5 Ways to Stop Worrying

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life coach

One of the first self help books I read was “Your Erroneous Zones” by Wayne Dyer. It was the first time I realized that worrying is just a fantasy about negative outcomes and a waste of precious time and energy.

I wish I could say I never worried again, but I’m human – just like you. Most of us still spend time on negative fantasies when we get triggered and worry takes center stage. We don’t have to stay there though, once we realize it’s happening. We can shift our mind out of worry and into something better. Here are 5 ways you can do just that.

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The Gifts of Being Thoughtful

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In a world where there is so much going on and most of us are flying by the seat of our pants, we seldom take time to think through what we say or do.

Yet, slowing down and being more thoughtful are just what you and your world need.

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Decorating from the Heart

decorating from the heart
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I don’t feel like putting together a nicely decorated home is one of my natural gifts. That may be why I still have some empty walls after moving into my latest house a year ago.

In the meantime, I have searched online, set up Pinterest boards, and created folders of pictures I liked. They may have given me some ideas, but they haven’t really helped. It’s possible they even created more stress, insecurity, and dilemma along the way.

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How to Plan for a More Simple & Meaningful Holiday Season

meaningful holiday christmas

My holidays have run the gamut from being so poor I could only afford a few thrift store toys for my son to being completely overwhelmed by preparing a holiday meal, attending parties, and finding the perfect gifts for friends, family, and co-workers.

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3 Uplifting Ways to View the World

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Throughout our days we view the world through different lenses or perspectives. There are times when those filters lead us to believe the world is against us or full of bad things and other times when we can be full of hope and possibilities.

We get to choose.

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