How to Feel More Grounded

grounded, centered, feel more grounded

When we are grounded, we feel centered, strong, aligned, and connected to our inner wisdom. It brings a calm confidence that empowers us and allows us to operate as our best selves.

Life can sometimes unsettle us and pull us from our natural grounded state. When it does this, we may notice that we are not feeling or doing our best. Everything may seem harder and our inner resources can be depleted.

Signs you may be ungrounded include:

  • Feeling scattered, stressed, or overwhelmed
  • Having trouble focusing, making decisions or completing tasks
  • Being tired and wired at the same time
  • Feeling disconnected from your inner wisdom and higher power
  • Experiencing anxiety or depression

When we notice we are feeling ungrounded and not functioning at our best, we can take steps that will help us reconnect with the peaceful, grounded guidance within.

Here are a couple of tools that can support you in doing this:

Return to Wholeness Exercise

This exercise can be used in specific moments when needed or as a regular practice.

Sit quietly and take a few deep breaths to relax. Picture the parts of yourself that you have given to issues or people around you, the pieces of you that feel stretched and scattered around. Take a few deep breaths and each time you breathe in imagine those pieces of you coming back into your heart. When you breathe out, let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Re-grounding in Yourself Journaling Process

Journaling flows best when you take a couple moments to breathe deeply and center yourself first. Many of my clients also benefit from setting an intention for their writing time. Here are the prompts to play with:

Who am I?

What do I know for sure?

What do I believe?

What do I want?

This journaling process can support you in specific moments when you feel the need to re-center yourself and be a regular practice that you do periodically.

My wish is that these tools help you find balance and return home to yourself so that you can live a more peaceful and empowered life.

If you feel you would like the additional support of an experienced coach, you can contact me here.

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