Are You a Woman on the Edge of Transformation?

midlife transformation woman on the edge

There is something stirring in the women around me. I hear it in my conversations with clients and friends. They describe feeling like they are on the edge of something new. Something that is calling to their hearts. Some know what it is and others are still waiting for the voice to become more clear.

Many have experienced recent events that left them feeling their hearts and lives were emptied out. Others feel like they are being called to do something different as they enter a new phase of their lives. And, for some, it came out of the blue. They just know it’s time to follow their hearts and answer the call for transformation.

I understand. I have felt it, too.

Most of us are women. Most of us are in midlife or beyond. Many of us are entering new stages of our lives. Most of us feel like it is finally time to listen to our own hearts and create lives that feel more intentional and have more meaning.

And, it can be really scary.

It can also be really peaceful – once you accept the fear and answer the call, anyway.

Because ultimately, you are listening to your own inner wisdom and letting your heart guide you to what you really want.

This is the gift of your midlife and wisdom years. 

You don’t have to save the world or take care of everyone else. You don’t have to care what people think of you. You get to shed what no longer serves you and become more fully yourself.

And, from this grounded, authentic state you can create and serve more powerfully than ever before. Or, you can just be. You get to choose.

It may show up as a new career or business, a desire to downsize, travel, serve, or move cross country (like it did for me). But, it is ultimately a calling into accepting and becoming our best selves.

What about you? Are you feeling restless and on the edge of change or transformation?

If so, listen to your heart. The answers are there.

If you would like coaching support to clarify, gather courage, or create a plan for what is next in your life, I would love to talk to you. You can reach me here.

And if you have a moment, please share what is calling you or your story of transformation in the comments below. Our words can support each other as we become more grounded in following our hearts.

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