Your Life is a Work of Art

life is a work of art blank canvas paint brushes

Your life is a work of art and you are the artist creating it. It can be big, bold, and full of color or simply shades of gray. You get to decide.

Art can take on many different forms and styles, but ultimately, the goal is to create something beautiful or thought provoking.

Artists reveal themselves through their work, unless they hold back, play it safe, or tell themselves they don’t know how.

Creating art comes from within. It is inspired by your heart and soul. It is something felt first and then expressed out into the world.

Life is like that, too.

I see my life today as a watercolor. Soft, gentle, and often beautiful, but there is a part of me that feels called to throw bright colored paint on giant canvases or finger paint like a child. My life can be all of those things. There may be circumstances that come up, but ultimately I am the creator and my heart is my inspiration.

What about you? What does the life you are creating look like? Is it bold, dark, peaceful or beautiful? If it’s not what you want, you can shift it by throwing in some color, simplifying it, or changing it completely. You can paint a new version of your life that speaks to your soul and feels fully you.

And then, when you step back and look at it, you will know it is your own masterpiece and be able to say, “Well done”.

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