Create a Comfort Box for When You Feel Low

comfort box
self care box
spa day box

Years ago I read about the idea of setting up a cache of special items that would bring me comfort when I needed it. My comfort box is pictured above and the funny thing is sometimes just knowing I have it is enough.

I think everyone should have one. It doesn’t have to be a box. It could be a drawer, basket, or whatever you want. The idea is to fill it with things that will soothe your soul when you are not feeling well or having experiencing a hard time.

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More Than One Way to Get What You Want

more than one way to get what you want woman reaching goal climbing rocks life coach

My clients often come to me feeling they need to make big changes in their lives in order to feel peaceful or happy.

While they may be excited, they tend to also feel a bit stuck or overwhelmed. If they seem to be rushing things, it is likely that fear is driving them to run away from something instead of their simply moving toward their dreams.

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Living a Life of Grace & Gratitude

simple living grace and gratitude simple life

Today, I am remembering special moments from my past and feeling into who I have become and what I want more of in my life.

I guess you could say I am in an introspective mood.

From this perspective I can see the gifts of my past challenges and how they supported me in becoming who I am today. I don’t believe in regrets, but have a few. Mostly, I am amazed by my journey and how I moved from feeling broken and unable to function to raising a wonderful son, becoming a coach, and creating a life of grace and gratitude. Continue reading

Opening the Door to Possibilities

open door to possibilities
shift always/never thinking always never thinking in absolutes

We all have patterns in our lives. Long lines of experiences and lessons that cause us to believe certain things are true. They can lead us into the dark alley of always/never thinking that closes the door to possibilities.

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Today is a Gift

today is a gift woman at sunrise feeling positive affirmation mantra intention

Years ago when I was having a hard time at my job I looked for ways that would help me stay more positive. And, in integrity. I was upset about things that were happening and could feel myself being pulled in the direction of talking behind someone’s back.

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How to Stop Sabotaging Your Goals

sabotage self-sabotage sabotaging barrier fence life coach

My client had a very clear goal. She wanted to find a man to share her life with. She called this goal “finding the one”.

We started with some foundation and discovery work about what she was looking for, open to, and defining her deal breakers. But, it didn’t take long before I realized that she was engaged in a cycle of self sabotage.

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Accepting the Truth Will Set You Free

truth will set you free, bird flying out of cage, resist the truth, freedom, resisting what is true, accepting the truth  acceptance

Over the years I have talked to a lot of people who were feeling upset or experiencing emotional pain. While their stories may be different, there seems to be a common thread.

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Learning Patience – Again

learning patience feeling peaceful impatient to do list

I would like to believe I’m a patient person. After all, I’ve raised a child, potty trained a dog, and witnessed the growth of my clients with respect for their own process and timing.

But, lately I’ve been feeling frustrated because reality is not matching up with my expectations.

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The Empowering Gift of Writing Lists

writing lists journaling notepad journal build confidence plan for the future

For many of you, the only lists you write are To Do lists that end up being fuel for self judgement when the endless items don’t magically get done. So, I can understand if you weren’t that interested in reading this post about lists.

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Accidental Transformations

butterfly transformation change finding good in challenges

One of my clients this morning was reflecting on how her life took a surprising turn that led to something wonderful and new.

She was laid off last year, just a few months before her fully funded retirement. She was angry, terrified, and felt like all had been lost.

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How to Stop a Spinning Mind

spinning mind monkey mind stress overwhelm negative thoughts

We have all experienced it. Spinning minds that seem to take control and make us feel a little crazy.

It could be about a decision you are trying to make.

Problem solving or ideas for something new

Replaying how someone hurt you or something that went wrong

Or, fear trying to stop you from moving forward.

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Making Your Dreams Come True

dreaming dreams come true
dream coaching life coach

Most of us are talented dreamers. I know I am. My dreams range from real world goals to fantasies about traveling the U.S. in a motor home, bringing small broken down houses back to life, and doing things I’m not sure my body is up for anymore. Some are real desires and some are daydreams, but I love them all.

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5 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Life

journaling writing in a journal write your life story autobiography

I’ve been writing in a journal on and off for years, but my commitment wasn’t as high as it is now.

It all started with the book, “The Artist’s Way” and being inspired by Julia Cameron’s recommendation to write 3 pages every morning. But, it never lasted very long. I would journal in fits and spurts, mostly when something was bothering me and then forget all about it.

I feel more committed now. In addition to writing what is on my mind I am using my journal as a tool to improve my life. I can feel it’s impact almost every day and can’t imagine life without it.

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How to Quiet Your Mind, Sleep Better, & Feel More Positive

thoughts in your head monkey mind woman thinking busy mind can't sleep

I’ve noticed lately that when I have trouble going to sleep it’s usually because my mind is very active. It’s as if a thought or story has triggered it into a hyper state that keeps me from relaxing enough to fall asleep.

As I became more aware of this pattern, I could actually feel the moment my mind clicked in and grabbed onto something that would take it, and me, down the rabbit hole.

I decided to practice letting go of the thoughts in that moment and not let them become fully engaged. It’s working really well.

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How to Bring More Thankfulness Into Your Life

Thanksgiving thankfulness more gratitude in your life hearts

On this eve of Thanksgiving my thoughts are on all that I have to be thankful for and my heart is full. This afternoon, I will be playing Secret Turkey by putting messages of hope, gratitude and joy in mailboxes and on car windshields of people I don’t know.

Practicing thankfulness and gratitude are a part of my life all year, not just on Thanksgiving. There are studies that show gratitude practices can relieve depression, foster a sense of well-being, and even rewire your brain for happiness. If I start to feel low, the first thing I think of is refreshing my gratitude practice because I know it helps. Continue reading

The Surprise Benefits of Thinking Before You Speak

think before you speak thoughtful

I like to play with various challenges from time to time. It’s how I learn and grown. So, when someone at church suggested we practice thinking before we speak this week I was all in.

It was a good week for it, too. I had several conversations that needed to be handled carefully.

What I didn’t expect was how my focus on thoughtful speaking would make me feel.  Continue reading

The Art of Heart Centered Listening

art of heart centered listening

Feeling heard is a basic human need that far too many people go without. It can make or break relationships, save lives, and even prevent wars.

When someone is talking to you and you are distracted or not wanting to listen, they can tell. And, it hurts.

People who talk a lot, repeat themselves often, or get loud are usually not feeling heard or grew up feeling they didn’t have a voice. In challenging conversations, they will usually calm down once they know you have heard what they are trying to say and then move on to productive conversation.

Those who have suffered loss or are feeling upset don’t need sympathy or to hear your story; they need an opportunity to express themselves without interruption.

Listening is a cornerstone of communication and it is becoming a lost art. It is not about having an agenda or opinion, but about being focused, loving and safe for the other person in that moment. 

Heart Centered Listening happens when you:

  • Set an intention to listen deeply and give the other person the gift of feeling heard
  • Are willing to see the other person as both a soul and a human being without judging them
  • Realize that poor communication behaviors like yelling or venting come from pain and often will improve once they feel heard
  • Resist the urge to interrupt and let their words flow
  • Let go of wanting to provide solutions, opinions, or forwarding your agenda
  • Stay curious and leave room for miracles
  • Listen lightly without becoming immersed in the other person’s issues
  • Let your heart guide you

But, what if what they have to say is negative or hurtful? What if they have a pattern of venting their issues or opinions at you all the time? What if you have a history with the other person that triggers pain and fear as they speak?

Taking care of yourself is always the first priority. If you do not feel safe or ready for the conversation, you are likely not the one meant to do the listening. At least, at this time.

You can listen in negative conversations without it impacting how you feel:

  • Nurture your spiritual strength by staying connected to God and other things that feed your soul
  • Set an intention to be calm, confident, and not effected by what is said
  • Listen in a disassociated state by imagining you are a fly on the wall watching the conversation or just seeing it happen on a movie screen
  • Imagine a protective bubble around you before going into the conversation
  • Limit the time by letting the person know in advance that you have about 15 minutes or half an hour, instead of letting it go on endlessly
  • If the conversation is negative, afterward physically brush off your arms and body or take a shower, imagining the negative energy sliding away
  • Remember to breathe

Ultimately, you need to follow your heart. And, when you are able, giving the gift of Heart Centered Listening will be just as much for you as it is for the other person. In many cases these conversations end in huge shifts or breakthroughs. Even if they don’t, you will know that you have done a loving thing. And that, always feels good.

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How to Limit Negative Influences in Your Life


negative influences happy and sad smileys

Years ago I went through a time period when I was feeling sad and I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. It had happened gradually without my realizing what was going on. My days felt hard and my heart was heavy.

And then, one evening I was sitting on my couch watching TV and began to cry. I realized this was becoming a pattern and that is when I realized what was happening. Continue reading