Opening the Door to Possibilities

open door to possibilities
shift always/never thinking always never thinking in absolutes

We all have patterns in our lives. Long lines of experiences and lessons that cause us to believe certain things are true. They can lead us into the dark alley of always/never thinking that closes the door to possibilities.

  • I always get taken advantage of.
  • I am always the one doing all the work.
  • I will always be alone.
  • I will never have enough money.
  • I will never be loved for who I am.
  • I will never be enough.

When we think in always/never absolutes, we are programming ourselves away from hope and our dreams. We shut down the possibilities. Slam and lock the door.

Our energy changes. People sense we are shut down and don’t approach us with opportunities because we don’t seem open to them. They sense something is off.

And, we feel miserable. Trapped in our misbeliefs and wayward minds.

There are 3 little magic words that can help shift this.

When I catch myself, or my clients, in this pattern of always/never thinking I suggest tacking the words – up until now – onto the end of the sentence.

  • I always get taken advantage of, up until now.
  • I am always the one doing all of the work, up until now.
  • I will never be loved for who I am, up until now.

These 3 little words bring a sliver of hope to your mind. They question your locked in negative mindset and remind you that something else might be true.

They can be the beginning of real change and dreams coming to life.

I suggest you make it a game. Try and catch yourself with always/never thinking and add the 3 magic words – up until now. It can become fun. My clients and I often have a good laugh over it.

Make a commitment now to add those 3 words into your thinking. They can change your mind, and your life into something much, much better.

Related Posts:

How to Stop a Spinning Mind

How to Make Your Dreams Come True

How to Feel More Positive and Happy

2 thoughts on “Opening the Door to Possibilities

  1. linda patterson says:

    Thank you LInda for all the articles you send…You are truly an inspiration and a wise lady…
    For this, I am grateful for finding your webcite.

    Connie Patterson

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