Why We Should All Say No to Complaining

Lately, I’ve caught myself complaining about the weather, and I can’t stand the sound of it in my own voice. The weather has been bitterly cold and since my dog’s bladder leads us out walking a few times a day, I can say with confidence this is the truth.

I’m all for speaking the truth and I’m also aware that we can color our truths with perceptions, stories we tell ourselves and slants towards the negative. When my truth adds a bit of whine to my voice, it annoys me. And, if it annoys me, it probably bothers the people around me as well.

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For the Love of Libraries and Reading

libraries, books, and reading

I have fond memories of the library I went to as a child. I can remember climbing the stairs to the large historical brick building and the way my footsteps echoed on the wood floors inside. When I was old enough to go into the children’s room alone, I felt grown up and proud and the librarian always seemed so magical to me, like a Disney princess who gets to be the keeper of books.

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39 Meaningful Things You Can Do in 5 Minutes or Less

5 minutes

I understand the value of time. For many years I was a single mother, often taking on overtime or working 6 days a week because money was scarce. I had to make a choice between supporting us financially or spending more precious time with my son. Sometimes the choices I felt I had to make broke my heart.

My relationship with time has changed now. I have more space in my days and more freedom to spend my time in more meaningful ways. But I have never forgotten the value of a minute and the importance of using it wisely.

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Dial Down What Overwhelms You

dial down overwhelm fear

My client was struggling.

She was a new coach who was planning to give her first workshop in a local chiropractic office. All she could think about was what could go wrong or who would judge her. Fear was running the show.

When I asked her to describe how the fear felt, what came up for her was a giant monster standing over her. It looked like the abominable snowman in the old Christmas movie about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Only bigger. Much bigger. And, louder too.

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A Simple and Powerful Year End Process

I believe that it is important to review and close out each year as it ends to ensure we learn all that we can from it. Doing so also lays the foundation for our dreams and plans in the coming year. This simple year end process will guide you as you reflect, learn and discover what you want to create in the year to come.

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Making Friends with Your To Do List

to do list

Sometimes, even the words “to do list” can bring up feelings of dread. These lists often symbolize what we see as failures, incompletions, and expectations not met. But is that really true? It’s possible we might be looking at to do lists all wrong.

How we perceive things impacts our experience of them and sometimes our perception about these lists is not the truth of what they really are.

To do lists are simply tools for remembering and organizing things we want to do.

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What If You Could Be Happier?

what if

We, as humans, are wired to be problem solvers. This is a skill that has helped us survive both collectively and as individuals. When one challenge is resolved we look for the next thing to work on.

This not only keeps us in fix it mode but can also cause a negative bias toward our lives and the world we live in. There is always something wrong or something to fix. We forget to celebrate what is going well, gratitude for those who have helped or the magical moments and beauty of daily life. We are too busy looking for the next problem and exaggerating its importance.

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How to Stop Taking Things Personally

take things personally
taking things personally

It’s easy to get upset in our interactions with others. They can say things we take wrong or even intend to hurt us. On the flip side, we can feel bad if we unintentionally hurt someone else or feel misunderstood.

These are signs that we are taking things personally.

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Follow Your Senses to the Present Moment

senses, present moment

I think we can all agree that our lives today are full of distractions. We are so busy doing that we lose touch with our ability to just be. It leaves us living surface level, task oriented lives instead of being able to savor the moments we are given.

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Bringing Balance to Your Relationship with Money

Money is one of those subjects that can bring out the best and the worst in us. It can be seductive, shameful, and trigger all of our emotional “stuff” more than just about anything in life.

Fear is one of the most common things my clients talk about when the subject of money comes up. Sometimes it’s warranted, but even when doing well many are haunted by images of becoming bag ladies living on the street.

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Living Your Values & Dreams in the New Year

values dreams new year

As the new year approaches I am thinking about what I would like to create in my life for the next trip around the sun. Some may call it goal setting, but my way of thinking about goals and bringing things to life has evolved over the years.

When I was younger, I was very committed to SMART goals and resolutions, and they served me well at the time. I excelled in my work, bought a home and generally improved my life. In later years, as I studied coaching and psychology and worked with more people, the potential downside of this method became more clear.

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Questions to Ask Yourself When Something or Someone Upsets You

someone upsets
life coach

It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama, reacting to what is happening and feeling like you need to defend or protect yourself. The story of what is happening may even become amplified in your mind when it triggers fears, pain or echoes a past negative experience. But, the extra upset you create only hurts you and keeps you distracted from resolution.

Resolving things that feel upsetting happens best when you can be in a calm and rational state. When your energy is neutral you can be more thoughtful, open and find solutions for the issue at hand. Easier said then done. Right?

Keep in mind – It’s how you relate to the issue that matters most.

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How to Feel More Grounded

grounded, centered, feel more grounded

When we are grounded, we feel centered, strong, aligned, and connected to our inner wisdom. It brings a calm confidence that empowers us and allows us to operate as our best selves.

Life can sometimes unsettle us and pull us from our natural grounded state. When it does this, we may notice that we are not feeling or doing our best. Everything may seem harder and our inner resources can be depleted.

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Simplify Your Life with the Art of Deciding Once

deciding once simplify

Decision fatigue comes when we find ourselves having to evaluate and make choices over and over again. We make more decisions in one day than previous generations ever had to and to be honest it can be quite tiring.

Many of the choices we make each day are the same ones we made the day before. What to eat. What to wear. When to go to bed. What if there was a way to simplify the number of daily decisions and leave more space in our brains for other, more important things?

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How to Create Closure and Honor Your Experiences


The period of completion after an uncomfortable experience is not just about resolution, it is also a time of transition. When we seek closure, what we really want is an understanding of what has happened and an opportunity to integrate the lessons we have learned. Continue reading

Are You Stuffocating?


I don’t have the bumper sticker, but I am one of those people who brakes for garage sales. Hunting for hidden treasures is something I have always enjoyed. It probably goes back to my roots of wearing thrift store clothes as a kid and how much fun it was to find something I loved.

In more recent years I’ve become more selective about what I buy and often come home empty handed. What I enjoy now is looking and visiting with the people there. My dog Daisy loves to join me on these adventures and is pretty good at soliciting lots of pets and attention.

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3 Things to Remember When You are Feeling Sad

feeling sad

We all have our moments of sadness, whether they are based on something that happened or seem to just show up for no reason. For many of us, these sad moments can keep piling up, leading to long term low moods or even depression.

We can feel helpless when that happens.

But, we don’t have to if we remember these 3 things:

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Practice Mental Hygiene for a Lifetime of Better Moods

mental hygiene better moods

Have you ever noticed that as people get older they become more entrenched in the way they view the world? I remember one woman I met while volunteering at an Alzheimer’s facility. She was always smiling and would get really excited about simple things like a game of Bingo. Her positive mindset was helping her stay happy and enjoy better moods during a challenging time of her life.

And then, I remember my dad. He would complain endlessly about people who he felt took advantage of him or what was wrong with the world. Visiting him meant listening to much repeated stories of things that had gone wrong in his life. He was angry, hateful and sad and I always felt drained after visiting him.

Both of these people had chosen a way of thinking that programmed their brains year after year until they were living fully in the mindsets they created.

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The Path to Serenity


I’m often drawn to people who have a sense of quiet confidence and serenity about them. They seem to move through the world differently, like there is a river of strength, capability and peace running through them.

I want to be more like that.

And, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did too.

Whenever we grow or heal or improve ourselves we move closer to this sense of strength and peace within. Serenity is our natural state and the things that keep us in stress, anxiety and overwhelm are simply covering it up. The path to deep serenity is one of loving ourselves and letting go of what no longer serves us. It is a lifelong journey.

While we travel this healing journey toward peace, we also find ourselves craving serenity in our daily lives. Every time we listen to that call and focus on a more peaceful way of being we take one step closer to our authentic serene selves.

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