In our modern world we are faced with decisions all day long. Some big, some small.
What should I put in my coffee?
What should I wear?
Should I quit my job?
With the bigger questions it is easy to get caught in a thought loop with our mind spinning on pros and cons and never landing anywhere. Often, the information it provides is conflicting and confusing.
It’s important to remember that our minds are tools to be used, not who we are.
Our your thoughts spin it’s usually because there is fear involved and they are trying to push you one way or prevent you from moving at all.
So, here is the simple solution for making these big decisions that often seem scary and confusing. I recommend doing it as a journaling process.
Ask yourself what you know for sure. Start with the facts so that you can base your response on what is true. Really true. You may find the decision easy to make just by filtering out the emotions and untruths of your spinning mind.
Write out your options. Focusing only on the facts, write down all of your options, even the ones that may sound a bit crazy.
Research the pros and cons. Put your brain to work researching and defining the good and bad points of each option.
Ask your heart to choose. Take a moment to get quiet within and then listen to your heart. If you don’t get an immediate answer, read through the list paying attention to how each option feels as you read it. Which ones feel heavy and which feel light? Usually, the best option will be the one that feels the lightest.
Simple Summary:
Use your brain to do the research and then let your heart guide you.
Journaling Prompts:
What do I know for sure?
What are my options?
What are the pros and cons of each?
What does my heart want me to know?
Quick Decision Making Tool:
Imagine holding one option in your left hand and another in your right. Which one feels heaviest? Which feels lighter. Usually, the lightest feeling option is the best choice.
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