Losing My Sense of Direction

sense of direction

Now that it has been almost 2 months of living within a global pandemic, I am realizing there are additional consequences I hadn’t previously considered.

One is that I seem to have lost my sense of direction. Self-direction, that is.

As I try to navigate this confusing time filled with conflicting information it has become clear that I have no answers. I don’t really know what to do, so I research a little and consider the opinions of others

What I have noticed is that my view point seems to flip flop to some degree based on the last thing I read or heard. I also sometimes feel guilty or sad if my choices keep me apart from people I love, especially if they may not agree with me.

All of this up and down thinking has taken a toll on me. It can be very stressful. Stress that I don’t need or want.

Can you relate?

A few days ago, I was talking about a mentor of mine to someone and heard myself say, “He is very self-directed.”

Those words stuck in my mind and played with me until I realized they are exactly what I needed – to be more self directed. This means that I can look outside of myself for some information, but will ultimately go within to make my decisions. I will let my heart/soul/intuition guide me. That is where my wisdom lies.

Self-direction brings confidence in my decisions regardless of the opinions of others. It also allows me to let go of the ongoing cycle of stress and confusion because it is no longer needed. I finally feel like I have my sense of direction back.

If you have been feeling battered about by conflicting information and a roller coaster of feelings, you may want to focus on being more self-directed, too.

Here is what you need to know:

It’s easy to differentiate the wisdom within from the voices of fear or guilt. Your heart speaks in a deep, calm voice. It is solid and strong and does not have a sense of urgency or try to rush you. It simply is.

You can connect with this inner guidance by pulling out a journal or sitting quietly and asking yourself:

  • What do I know for sure?
  • What does my heart want me to know?
  • What is the next best step for me to take?

You will know when you have connected with your inner wisdom and you can move forward with what it tells you with confidence. When you do, the chaos and confusion slip away as you start moving into a more self-directed life.

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