Intentionally Creating Your New Year

new year intentions
new year resolutions

We can let our next year happen and just accept our default experiences or we can work toward intentionally creating a year that we will love.

While this may sound like resolutions, it is a bit different. Resolutions have fixed outcomes and if you don’t reach them you feel like you have failed. Intentions move you forward the direction you want to go without expectations of a specific outcome. They leave room for shifts in direction or moving toward new opportunities when they arise.

Intentions are a more gentle and graceful way to follow your heart and become the person you want to be.

So, pick up your pens or other writing devices and use the following prompts to discover what you want to create in 2022. Let your heart guide you.

What theme or focus will I choose for the coming year?

What do I want to stand for?

What qualities do I want to cultivate in myself?

What changes would I like to make?

What do I want my life to look like at the end of this year?

How can I make that happen?

What intentions would I like to set?

What goals would support those intentions?

What am I ready to commit to in the coming year?

Whatever you choose to do, do it with love, grace, and honor. You can’t go wrong with that.

I’m wishing you all an incredible year to come. Happy New Year!

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