How to Create Positive Feelings When You Can’t Seem to Change Your Thoughts

create positive feelings
life coach

It is commonly said (even by me) that our thoughts create our feelings. While it is true that what we think impacts our moods there are other ways to influence how we feel.

Your mind and body share energy and work together. When they are aligned toward something positive is when you feel your best. When they aren’t, you can use one to influence the other.

So, when trying to change your thoughts is not working, instead of judging yourself and feeling bad, switch things up and approach it in a different way. Start with the body instead of the brain.

When you change your physiology, your mood will follow. So, if you want to feel something, think about the body language of people who feel it already and copy them.

*If you want to feel confident – stand or sit tall and move briskly

*If you want to feel excited – act like a child who just got puppy

*If you want to feel energetic – jump up and down

*If you want to feel calm – slow down and breathe deeply

*And, if you want to feel happy – smile and do what happy people do

I know it works. I have used this process to feel confident in social situations or when giving speeches. I have used it to shift when I felt unmotivated and to lift my moods. Many of my clients benefit from this process as well.

You can too. I encourage you to play with embodying the physiology of the positive feelings you want to feel and who you want to become. You may be surprised how good it feels.

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