Simple Solutions: Negative Thoughts

negative thoughts
Life Coach

We are always thinking something. More often than not, those thoughts can be negative. We can get so used to them running in the background of our minds that they feel normal and we simply accept how they make us feel.

Thoughts are just thoughts, not who you are, and you have control over them. That means that you can audit them and choose ones that serve you better.

Here are some simple ways to shift your thoughts so that you can think and feel more positive.

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How to Create Positive Feelings When You Can’t Seem to Change Your Thoughts

create positive feelings
life coach

It is commonly said (even by me) that our thoughts create our feelings. While it is true that what we think impacts our moods there are other ways to influence how we feel.

Your mind and body share energy and work together. When they are aligned toward something positive is when you feel your best. When they aren’t, you can use one to influence the other.

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Negative Fantasies

negative fantasies 
bad daydreams

Sometimes I think I’m an expert at creating negative fantasies. They may be about someone doing me wrong, my house burning down, a car accident, a fight with someone I care about or any number of things. The one thing they all have in common is that they make me feel sad, depressed or bad about myself.

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A Quick & Easy Way to Stop Negative Thinking that Keeps You Stuck

rocket launch stop inertia get unstuck

It’s interesting how we can have incredible ideas, intentions and goals and then get totally stuck when we try to implement them. The likely culprit is that we start over thinking and fall into a pattern of negative thoughts. Excitement and planning can quickly shift to reasons we shouldn’t move forward or can’t make things happen, especially if fear has a say.

And then, we find ourselves stuck in indecision and losing motivation as self-doubt and inertia set in. Our lives stay the same and our dreams fade into the distance.

But, wait! There is a quick and easy way to shift this pattern and make things happen.  Here’s how it goes: Continue reading

Watch Your Language – Your Words are Hypnotizing You

words hypnotize you

It has been clear to me for a long time that the words we use impact our feelings and actions.  I write about it, coach it, and practice re-framing limiting language in my own life.  But, studying to become a Certified Hypnotherapist brought my understanding to a whole new level. Continue reading

Stop Fighting Your Negative Thoughts and Do This Instead

cute baby love loving thoughts align head and heart negative thoughts

You know that negative thoughts are unhealthy.  Dangerous too.  They  keep you spinning in a false world so that you miss your real life.  They re-wire your brain and personality.  Steal your hope.  And, energetically set you up for making them come true.

After awhile, negative thinking becomes a habit, maybe even an addiction.

When you decide you want to change, you label these thoughts as bad.  You judge them. Resist them.  Fight with them.  And, this battle only feeds them more.

And then, you judge yourself.  Or, just give up.

There is another way.  A more loving way.

Simply return to the present moment and align your head with your heart.

This is how you do it:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Bring to mind  something that warms your heart, like a loved one, cute puppy, baby, or something you are grateful for.  Focus on it.  Feel it.  Savor it.
  3. Repeat as necessary.

At first you may need to repeat this often, but eventually it becomes your new habit.

A few tips:

  • Using the same image for something that warms your heart each time creates an anchor to the present moment and an eventual short cut to get there.
  • If negative thoughts try to interrupt the process, don’t resist them.  Just let them gently float away.
  • Be gentle and loving with yourself as you create this new way of being

Aligning your head and heart in the present moment opens the door to true internal peace and personal power.

What could be better than that?