You asked for more, so here it is. The response for my last Friday Favorites post was overwhelmingly positive and I’m happy to share more. Here are some of my more recent favorite things: Continue reading
The Simple Truth about Fear, Worry, and Anxiety
Some of my clients are shorter than me, but only because they are kids. We talk about things like developing their own code of honor, strategies for school, and family issues. I’m often surprised though, about the level of worry and anxiety they are experiencing at such a young age and am grateful I can help them.
Coaching kids can be rewarding and fun. They are curious, engaged, and open to new ideas. They also challenge me to keep things simple and create metaphors that help them remember.
It occurred to me that we adults can benefit from these simple metaphors and perspectives, too. So, here is my child’s version of talking about worry and the fear it creates. Continue reading
My First 7 Months After Moving to a Small Town in Missouri
It’s hard to believe I have been here in small town Missouri for 7 months. It feels like I was in a fog the first 3 or 4 trying to get settled in. There were things to learn about yard care, what is available in town, updates to the house, and my initiation into the culture of small town football.
Being near my family has been a blessing and they also keep me pretty busy. I love the time I get to spend with them and never take it for granted.
My first real winter is almost over. Continue reading
The Cost of Postponing Little Things
Have you ever had little things on your calendar or to do list that you kept putting off?
I know I do. I could be an expert at it. It’s a shame I can’t get paid for it. Continue reading
5 Friday Favorites – Information, Tips, and Resources for Your Life
One of my clients once called me a “human browser”. She said she could count on me to connect her with people, resources, and information that would support her at any given time.
I know I’m human, but the browser thing I’m not so sure about…
And yet, sometimes there are things I would like to share. And so, I thought I would play with the idea of gathering a few of them together for you. If it goes well, I may continue this Friday Favorites idea, so be sure and let me know what you think.
Here are my favorites for this week: Continue reading
How to Get Back on Track after Falling into Inertia
Don’t get me wrong. I love my new life here in small town Missouri, but it hasn’t always been a smooth ride.
Several months ago I fell while out for a walk and hurt my arm. I could hardly move for a couple of days and then settled into a long journey of healing. There were many limitations to what I could do for what felt like a very, very long time.
Last month I caught the flu, or should I say it caught me. There must be something about these Missouri bugs because I didn’t get get sick in California, at least not for a long time. This flu knocked me down and it took several weeks to start feeling well again.
Add to that some plumbing problems and all of those little things called life and it feels like I got off track. Really off track… Continue reading
Ask the Coach – My Answers to Your Questions
I’ve spent some time on Quora answering questions about life for readers and thought it might be fun to share some of the answers here. Maybe you have some of the same questions.
I may start doing this as a regular feature and welcome your questions for future posts. You can email me or contact me through my website to ask what is on your mind. In the meantime, here are some of my answers: Continue reading
8 Valuable Lists Everyone Should Have
My clients will tell you that I like lists. I use them for organization and to bring forward information in a simple and clear manner. My clients don’t do them all the time, but when they do it is usually to support them in an area they are working on. There are however, some lists that I believe everyone should have:
- Your top 5 core values
- Lifetime successes and winning moments
- Positive qualities and personal skills you possess
- What you are grateful for
- Intentions, goals, and next steps
- Emergency resources and contact information
- Location of your passwords, will, accounts, and other important papers
- Things you love about your spouse or people that upset you (to read when you need to remember)
Your Turn: What lists do you think we all should have?
Email me if you would like a free exercise on how to identify your core values:
Photo courtesy of S. Allen
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Transform Your Anger, Pain, and Fear Into Something Meaningful
We all have emotional responses in life that do not serve us well.
- Anger that leads us to say and do things we regret
- Fear that keeps us from stepping into our true potential
- Emotional pain that keeps us stuck in the past and unable to heal
Each of these manifest as energy in our bodies and one of the ways to relieve the pressure they create is to vent. Anger can be released by doing something physical like running or hitting a pillow. Pain and fear respond well to free form writing, talking it out, or release exercises.
But, there is an even greater opportunity available to you.
What if. instead of venting to release it, you were able to take the energy of these emotions and literally transform it into something wonderful, beautiful, and positive?
You could:
- Take your anger and channel it into art or turn it into a passion for helping others
- Let your pain fuel your life mission or feed a commitment to compassion and love
- Transform your fear energy into excitement that propels you toward your dreams
When energy presents itself, in whatever form, you get to choose how to use it.
Instead of letting it get TO YOU, find a way to use it for good and make it work FOR YOU. Turn it into something that feels both inspiring and meaningful.
When you do, your entire life can be transformed.
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A Quick & Easy Way to Stop Out of Control Snacking
I am not sure what got into me, but something surely did. It all started with a little chocolate heart in a store checkout line. That led to macaroni and cheese (lots of it) and a giant piece of cake that made my stomach hurt. The next day, I found myself eating an entire bag of Trader Joe’s Cheetos. My snacking was out of control, and I was feeling disconnected from my true self.
What I needed was an intervention and I needed one quickly. That’s when I decided to just STOP. This little method can really help prevent over eating and unconscious snacking. Continue reading
25 Productive and Fun Indoor Activities for When It’s Cold Outside
This is my first winter outside of California and I am learning a lot about the seasons and cold weather. I’m still not comfortable driving in snow and icy conditions and am grateful that I work from home and can stay in on those days. My CA friends are experiencing an unusual amount of rain and feeling house bound too.
Wintry weather makes me want to sit on the couch with a cat in my lap and read novels or binge watch Netflix. It feels great for awhile, but I can only sit for so long before getting antsy and wanting to find something to do. Something productive or fun that doesn’t involve putting on a coat or chipping ice off my car. Continue reading
7 Ways to Save Money on Entertainment, Recreation and Fun
For years I was a single mom. My son and I would consider bean burritos at Taco Bell a big night out. I learned to be thrifty out of necessity and now that I am in my 60’s and still wanting to save money for my future, those lessons continue to serve me well.
Some might say I’m cheap, but others like minimalists, extreme couponers, or the guy who writes the blog: Things I Find in the Trash, might think I live extravagantly. I feel like I have found a nice balance between enjoying life and protecting my finances at the same time. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have the same money fears that plague most of us. Continue reading
How to Get into the Christmas Spirit and Spread Holiday Cheer
My son started celebrating Christmas early this year, trying to convince people to “Get Their Christmas On” long before Thanksgiving. At first I thought he was crazy, but then I could see how happy he became with this new focus on the holidays and their meaning. Continue reading
The Four Agreements – Simple & Powerful Tools for Life
Every year about this time I revisit The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. Some years I even lead classes about them. They are simple, yet powerful tools that can help you:
- Feel less reactive, hurt, or upset
- Improve your relationships
- Let go of limiting beliefs
- Feel more peaceful and empowered
- Become more grounded when facing the business of the holidays
2 Fun Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving More Meaningful
I do not have the benefit of family nearby to spend my Thanksgiving with, but don’t feel bad for me. I have a nice long visit with my loved ones coming up. I also have invitations for breakfast and dinners with other Thanksgiving misfits. And, sometimes I choose to spend this special holiday alone as a restful, self-nurturing day.
Whatever my day looks like, there are a couple Thanksgiving practices I never miss that fill my heart and feed my soul. I feel more grounded in the meaning of the holiday because of them. You might enjoy them, too. Continue reading
Adjusting to Small Town Life – The Shopping Dilemma
I’m still adjusting to my new small town life in Missouri. One of the things that still has me spinning is the whole shopping thing. Just when I thought I had it figured out and was settling in, fall weather came. And, I heard winter is on it’s way too.
My intention is to stock up and have what I need from the local city before Thanksgiving to avoid going there during the holiday craziness. Columbia is 30 to 40 minutes away, depending on what part of town you are going to. I’m trying to shop local as much as possible, but there are some things that are either not available or cost much higher here. Continue reading
6 Simple Steps to Self Confidence & Self Trust
Confidence and self-esteem are based on a foundation of being able to trust yourself. When you know that you will take care of your own needs, you will feel safe enough to move confidently into the world.
This may feel hard or impossible in some moments, but it doesn’t need to.
Simply practice the following steps to increase self trust and the confidence that you desire will naturally follow. Continue reading
How to Bring Balance to Your Relationship with Time
We can feel driven by our clocks, calendars, and the expectations of others. Even more so by the expectations we have of ourselves.
I don’t know about you, but when I get caught up in this full on “doing” mode, I find that I miss out on the little special moments of my days. When the day comes to an end I may have a long list of wins, but did I really live? Was I fully present with and enjoying what was before me?
There are times when driving ourselves feels good or necessary, but it shouldn’t be our only way of being.
I love achieving goals, but I also crave feeling peaceful and being in touch with magical moments that show up each day.
The following ideas can support you in bringing more balance to how you use time and a sense of grace to your days.
Focus On Your Priorities: It’s easy to get distracted by working hard on the wrong things. Get clear about your values and most meaningful goals. These are what you should be focusing on. If you are spending time on something that is not working, try something else. It’s important to be intentional about how you use your valuable time and life energy.
Watch Out for Time Wasters: For me, it can be checking email or Facebook and then letting something I see sidetrack me. Time wasters can be things you just fall into, people who don’t respect your time, or choices you make influenced by underlying fears and other things that want to keep you stuck. If you find yourself spending too much time off track, return your focus to your intended goal.
Do Little Things with Great Love: Stay present to whatever you are doing. Even mundane activities can bring joy when you focus on their meditative quality. Every moment and every task has it’s own beauty. When you slow down enough to appreciate them your work can be more fulfilling.
Develop the Art of Puttering: Every once in awhile, especially if I have been too caught up in getting things done, I set aside a day for puttering. Puttering is the art of flowing gracefully from one thing to another as they come up naturally. I follow my whims. And, I usually get more things done than I do on those days when I am pushing. At the end of the day I feel at peace and grateful for how much I accomplished without even trying.
Don’t Make It Hard: If I had a dime for every time I told myself something was going to be hard I would be rich. Most of the time the things I was resisting turned out to not be hard at all. I spent more time in the uncomfortable resistance than it took to actually get the thing done. Beware of thoughts or words that make things seem difficult or challenging and if you are really courageous, eliminate the word “hard” from your vocabulary completely.
Give Yourself a Break: Lately, my favorite break is Squirrel Time. I step away from my work to sit on the porch and feed squirrels. They amuse me, warm my heart, and connect me with nature. Other breaks might include going for a walk, stretching, having a snack, dancing, or reading. Science says that our minds and bodies are more efficient when we give them regular breaks. I know they work for me.
Feed Your Engine: You will be more efficient in how you use your time when your mind and body are able to operate at their fullest potential. This means that eating healthy, taking breaks, exercise, and all those common sense things you know you should do will help you be more effective in the long run.
Having a healthy relationship with time is all about balance. You can push yourself at times, but not all the time. It is important to allow space in your days to observe special moments and let your work flow with natural focus instead of forcing things. When you do, you will limit stress, feel more peace within, and still get things done. And that, is a good thing.
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Life Coaching and More – How My Business Has Evolved
I started my business as a life coach in 2003, which is a long time ago. A lot can happen in 14 years and it is really interesting how my business has expanded and evolved. It’s also really fun!
You most likely know me as Life Coach Linda and think of me that way.
- Supporting people as they go through challenges
- Providing tools and fresh perspectives
- Guiding them through healing journeys
- Lifting them out of stuckness and into their dreams
- Helping them reconnect with their true selves
- Building their confidence and self love
- Bringing more peace into their lives
- Helping them create something new that is calling to them
In the last 14 years I have coached just about everything, working with courageous new coaches, cancer patients, students, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, truck drivers, photographers, doctors, dentists, adventurers, psychologists, and more.
And, I still love this work.
Over time a new layer to my work began to evolve. Many of my clients had businesses and it was becoming clear that my intuition worked for business as well. I also had a lot of experience starting businesses, helping them grow, and working through the challenges that come up along the way. People began to hire me as their Business Coach.
I get really exited about what my clients want to create and love supporting them as they bring their visions to life. Some of my clients are new to business and still in the startup phase. Others have been around for years and are either facing challenges or ready to refresh or simplify what they already have. On April Fool’s Day in 2012 I made it official by launching my business coaching website and blog: Simple Smart Business
But, there was more. My clients continued to guide my journey by asking for what they wanted.
When I was recommending a dentist client consider getting a blog and Facebook page he told me he didn’t have the time and asked if I would do it for him. And, this is how the third branch of my business was born.
I began to offer Online Marketing Services, at first just for my dentist clients, but now for most types of businesses. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this work and found it was a great counterbalance to coaching, allowing me to shift back and forth from working with people to playing on the computer.
My marketing clients are mostly small businesses or solo-entrepreneurs who want affordable marketing options or to learn how to market online themselves. So, in my spare time between coaching clients you might find me:
- Setting up or updating Facebook pages, simple websites, or blogs
- Providing content and posting to Facebook pages and blogs
- Setting up or writing email newsletters
- Improving search engine optimization on websites
- Teaching classes and training clients how to do it themselves
I know it sounds like a lot, but I protect my time and have found a balance between these offerings that works for me. I love my work. I love my clients. And, I only take on as many clients as I can serve well. My business right sized for me and there is plenty of space for quiet time and fun.
I learned that work doesn’t have to be just one thing. It took 14 years for my business to evolve to this point and I am grateful that I listened to my clients when they told me what they wanted. It feels good to be able to offer a variety of services and customize what will work best for each client. My clients agree.
Now that I am feeling settled into my new home after a recent move cross country, I am ready to open the door to a few more clients. If you would like to receive professional support in your life or business, please feel free to Contact Me. Who knows, you might be my next client, and I can’t wait to meet you.
How to Stay Calm When Stretching Your Comfort Zone
I recently was a guest on a radio show and was a little nervous about it. So, I wrote up a few notes and set them in front of me as the interview started. What happened next was a little strange. My left eye became blurry and I couldn’t read. My notes were useless and I knew I had to “wing it”. I was definitely out of my comfort zone and fear started telling me to run.
When comfort zones are stretched, fear will start chattering about staying safe. “Don’t do that. They may not like you. It’s too big a risk. Why put yourself out there? I can keep you safe if you don’t do it.”
If we let that voice of fear control us, we stay stuck and play small. Without building new skills and meeting new people we miss out on the possibilities before us and will eventually regret not living our lives fully.
Comfort zones are flexible and meant to grow. I knew this in that moment before my radio interview and even though I felt like running, I faced my fear, stayed calm, and did it anyway. Here is how you can too.
Recognize fear for what it is. Your fears want to keep you safe, but they are often over reactive. They were installed when you were younger and less able to take care of yourself. So, when you are afraid of meeting someone new the risk may be low, but your fear is still operating from the point of view of the 5 year old who was made fun of at school.
Fear doesn’t realize you have grown and developed new skills. It is a gut reaction that wants to protect you at all costs. Even if that protection hurts you in other ways.
Breathe deeply, and relax your face, neck, and shoulders.
Focus on other people or being of service. Take your mind off yourself and make the experience about the other people involved. How can you make them more comfortable? What can you ask them about themselves? How can you leave the situation better than it was when you entered it? Fear is self-absorbed and focusing on other things can help shift you out of it.
Trust your inner self and speak from the heart. This is what I did on that radio show when I couldn’t read my notes. I had to answer from my heart and experience. By doing so, my interview was much more powerful than it would have been if I had used the notes. Trust yourself. You have everything you need inside of you.
Look for humor in the situation. When you look through an observer’s fly on the wall perspective things can seem quite amusing. Funny things happen when you stretch your comfort zone…
I remember being nervous about speaking before a group of people I didn’t know. When I went to the restroom before going on stage the water from the sink splashed over the front of my pants leaving very obvious water spots. For a moment, I just wanted to escape, but instead I went on stage and the first thing I did was make a joke about being attacked by their sink. It was a great ice breaker and the presentation went over well.
Humor can help you and the people around you feel lighter in stressful situations.
Make friends with your fear. Fear is not your enemy. It only wants what is best for you. It’s just a little over protective. So, have a conversation with it. Thank it for warning you. Let it know you’ve got things covered. And, ask it to help you in another way, like standing in the wings and cheering you on. You might be surprised how well it listens.
If fear is keeping you locked into your comfort zone and you would like the support of a professional life coach, I would love to talk to you. You can connect with me here.
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How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Intuition
Fear and Anxiety: How to Make Friends with Your Lizard Brain