How to Lift Yourself Up in Challenging Times

lift yourself up

As I write this we are experiencing a global pandemic and there have been racially charged riots around the country. It feels like there is a lot going wrong in our world and if you are like me, it can impact how you feel.

Your feelings start with your thoughts and even when the world is falling apart you can let go of the negative ones and choose ones that serve you better. I know this is not easy, but you can decide not to take things on. It’s a practice that can take time to master, but is well worth it. Here are some tools that can help:

  • Imagine all of your thoughts in a jukebox or on a production line and simply choose one you like better.
  • Move into an observer state by watching what is happening as if you are a fly on the wall or it is a movie.
  • Simply stay alert to negative thoughts and shift to more positive ones as you become aware of them. I always say thinking of babies or an adorable pet works well.

I also recommend daily practices that set you up for feeling more positive and keep your heart open to the good in the world. Here are some ideas for practices that will help you lift yourself up.

Journal: You can write daily or just use your journal when you feel triggered. It can help you process what you are feeling and often results in a clearer perspective. Be sure to end your entries with something positive as that is what you will carry forward into the rest of your day.

Connect: Stay connected with your friends and loved ones. They are feeling things too and you can support each other. Stay connected to the earth by gardening, taking pictures of flowers, or just being in nature. Stay connected to God as that is the source of your ultimate peace.

Give: When you do something for someone else you are taking the focus off your own concerns. Volunteer, write a letter, or do something nice for someone around you. It will feel really good.

Move: Exercise or doing physical work are not only good for your body, but they are great ways to lift yourself up. They increase energy, help clear your mind and you can be proud of yourself for doing them.

Edit Your Input: Yesterday, I accidentally saw a video of a murder on Facebook. It made me sick to my stomach and stuck with me most of the day. I firmly believe that what we bring into our minds will impact our moods and choose not to watch violence, news, or other things that will upset me. If you want to stay positive, it’s important to read, watch, and choose input that makes you smile or reminds you of all the good things in the world.

Clean or Clear Clutter: I worked with my friend Star for a long time and could always tell when something was bothering her because she would go on a cleaning frenzy. She was onto something. The act of cleaning or clearing space can lift your mood and opens space in your heart and mind as well. Of course, your environment will look and feel good too.

Celebrate the Good: What we focus on is what we will experience more of. Studies show that a gratitude practice can actually rewire the brain away from depression and sadness and into healthy positivity. I encourage you to seek and document what is good in your life. Journal gratitude, take pictures of beautiful things, look for heart shapes, create art, or document fun or funny moments. All of these can shift your mind into a more positive space.

Start and End Your Day on a Positive Note: Morning and nighttime practices set the stage for how you will feel or sleep. These moments are valuable opportunities to guide ourselves the direction we want to go. Here are a few ideas:

  • Stretch in bed and wiggle your toes while you are waking up
  • Read something positive before starting your day
  • Set an intention for the day
  • At night create a practice of giving things over to God
  • Journal to clear your mind and process the day’s events
  • Set an intention for good sleep
  • Let the last thing you think or read be something positive

I encourage you to be intentional about how you live your days so that you can lift yourself up even when life wants to pull you down. Choose one or more of the above ideas, or create your own to practice daily. You will be glad you did.

If you want support and are considering working with an experienced, professional coach, I would love to talk to you. Contact Linda

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5 thoughts on “How to Lift Yourself Up in Challenging Times

  1. Calie says:

    Thanks for these tips! I practice some of them already but I’ll have to start doing the others more often!

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