Can Your Online Passwords Make You Happy?

online passwords box on computer screen

Not too long ago I found myself staring at my computer screen trying to come up with a password for a new account. My brain was clearly taking a break. 

I needed to come up with letters, numbers, and symbols that kept my account secure, and even though I use a password saving app, I wanted to be able to remember them. I had also heard that long unexpected phrases work well.

My brain decided to come back online with a new idea.

What if I used affirming passwords for my accounts?

Could my password choices be uplifting? The ideas started pouring in:


Now, whenever I sign in to accounts my passwords make me smile and affirm what is important to me. Can you say the same about yours?

Your Turn: How can you give your passwords more life and meaning?  Do you have any fun ideas you would like to share?

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to present the latest in online security and I am not an expert in that field. And, of course, these are not my real passwords.  I just made them up a minute ago.

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