39 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Day

improve your day

Even when our days feel good, there is always room for improvement. It doesn’t mean you have to put a lot of effort into it. Sometimes, it’s the simple things that can brighten your day the most.

Here are some simple and easy ways to make your days feel great:

  1. Stretch and wiggle your toes before getting out of bed
  2. Journal or read something inspirational
  3. Floss
  4. Make your bed
  5. Practice good posture
  6. Pray
  7. Dance or sing
  8. Put a bird feeder where you can see it from your window
  9. Sharpen your knives
  10. Clean or organize something
  11. Smile
  12. Use the good dishes
  13. Practice random act of kindness
  14. Connect with nature
  15. Go to the library
  16. Say thank you
  17. Go for a walk
  18. Take a nap
  19. Practice breathing deeply
  20. Do something you’ve been putting off
  21. If something will only take a few minutes, just get it done
  22. Put things away when you are done with them
  23. Create a space for reading, journaling and quiet time
  24. Write a letter of appreciation to someone
  25. Enjoy a daydream
  26. Put down your phone for a designated period of time
  27. Say I love you
  28. Have a don’t buy anything day
  29. Read and watch only positive things
  30. Cook something from scratch
  31. Savor the flavors of your food
  32. Clean your kitchen counters every night.
  33. Take a relaxing bath
  34. Turn off your phone and TV a half hour before bedtime
  35. Sit in the dark and listen to music
  36. Cuddle your pets, partner or kids
  37. Play with balloons or bubbles
  38. Get lost in a good book
  39. Wear something that makes you smile

Hopefully, there are some ideas here that speak to your heart and inspire you to take action to brighten your day. If you have ideas I haven’t included here you can share them in the comments below. Who knows, maybe they will help brighten someone else’s day – and wouldn’t that make yours even better?

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