A Guide to Heartfelt Living

Living a heartfelt life is one of the most peaceful and joyful ways to experience this world. It’s pretty much the opposite of what we see around us. Most people are too busy, too worried, and completely disconnected from their heart’s wisdom.

Once you start experiencing heartfelt moments you will crave them more and more. But, how is it possible to shape your entire life around them? It’s not as hard as you think and when you do it will feel like coming home to the life you were meant to live.

Here are some of the steps you can take to start experiencing the gifts of heartfelt living.

Cultivate a Simple Life

When you let go of what doesn’t matter, you make room for things that matter most. Staying too busy, owning too many things, and a mind full of clutter distract you from the blessings in your daily life. Clear out what does not serve you and surround yourself with what feels beautiful, useful, and meaningful.

Embrace Soulful Practices

This is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. Connecting with your heart, soul, and God regularly will bring clarity, peace, and a feeling of wholeheartedness as you move through your days. Here are 5 soulful practices you can start today.

Honor Your History

We all have painful things in our past and it is important to honor them, but not let them run our lives. When you stop holding them tightly you will be able to see the lessons and witness the beauty of your growth from those experiences. You CAN heal your history and be proud of who you have become since those challenging occurred.

Create Quality Connections

Being connected to others is a cornerstone of well-being and important in living a heartfelt life. Choose people and communities that lift you up and release those that drag you down. Keep in mind that quality connections do not all have to be deep and best friendish as being around people you respect or appreciate is valuable as well.

Nurture Your Body and Mind

Choosing to be healthy is a daily practice. One that can improve both the length and quality of your life. Eat simply, mostly whole foods, and take time to savor the flavors. Listen to your body and your heart. They will provide feedback and guide you to your best health.

Remember to Play

Life can get pretty serious at times and most of us forget to add fun to our to do lists. Make time for play by choosing activities that keep you fully absorbed in the moment, make you laugh and smile, or bring out your creativity. Doing this will improve your moods and overall sense of wellbeing.

Living a heartfelt life means taking time to listen to the guidance of your heart and soul and then shaping your life around what they ask for. It means setting aside things that don’t serve you and embracing what makes you feel more peaceful, grounded, and happy in your daily life.

I hope you give yourself the gift of cultivating the things that will help you live from your heart. If you would like coaching support along the way I have room for a couple more clients. You can contact me here.

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The Gifts of Living a Simple Life

6 thoughts on “A Guide to Heartfelt Living

    • Linda Luke says:

      It’s a journey. Just when I think I’m where I want to be, I see more ways to listen to my heart’s guidance. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and gentle with yourself as you move forward.

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