Throughout our days we view the world through different lenses or perspectives. There are times when those filters lead us to believe the world is against us or full of bad things and other times when we can be full of hope and possibilities.
We get to choose.
It is possible to turn our minds to look at things from other perspectives. It’s not always easy, especially if these views, mindsets and triggers have been embedded in us for years. But, at any given time we can choose to look at the world in a different way.
I like to play with trying on different perspectives and often recommend my clients use them, too. Here are a few of my favorites.
Seeing through the eyes of a fly on the wall. My clients hear about this a lot when they are facing stressful situations. Watching challenging moments as if you are outside of yourself helps you step into the observer perspective. From there it is easier to distance yourself from the emotions, not take things personally, and see the situation more clearly.
Seeing from behind your own eyes. This can be hard to explain, but it is basically pulling back within yourself, connecting with your heart, and experiencing the world as a soul looking out through human eyes. This is especially helpful when you find yourself caring too much what others think or feeling disconnected from your own value and power.
Seeing through a lens of gratitude. When we put on our rose colored glasses and recognize the beauty in each day we are reprogramming our brain for happiness. Focusing on gratitude has been proven in scientific studies to help with depression, stress, and rewire your brain to be more positive.
Each of these perspectives has their benefits and you can switch back and forth between them whenever you want.
The world is going to be the world. What is happening is what is. But, you get to choose how you view it and let it impact how you feel. I hope these 3 ways to view the world help you feel more peaceful, happy, and grounded within.
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