Saying Goodbye to 2020

saying goodbye to 2020

Well, it’s been quite a year. I know my head is still spinning and will probably continue to for awhile. With all that has happened and all that is still going on, doing an end of the year process is even more important this year.

So, pick up your pens or tablets or whatever you choose to use and let’s get writing.

While 2020 may have been full of loss and distress, remember we are always learning from our experiences and there is always something to be grateful for.

Use these prompts to guide you as you remember the good and the bad and say goodbye to 2020. It doesn’t matter if you write lists, paragraphs, or even a letter to the year. Just write from your heart.

What were the blessings and magical moments I experienced this year?

What successes did I achieve?

What am I proud of myself for?

What surprised me?

What did I learn from this year’s challenges?

What did I worry about and how did it turn out?

What do I want to take from this year to create a foundation for the year to come?

What do I want to leave behind? (physical, mental, or emotional)

What am I most grateful for? Write at least 100 things.

May you have a wonderful New Year holiday that brings closure to the past year and prepares you for a great year to come.

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