I have always felt drawn to living a simple life. It feels peaceful to me and helps calm my scattered mind.
At first living simply was a matter of necessity. I was a young single mother with limited resources and every penny counted. I could not acquire a lot of stuff and lived at a level based on needs with a few little extras thrown in.
Now, my simple lifestyle is a choice. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not perfect. I have “things”, but not as many as most people do. I gravitate toward light, color, room to move around in, and things that feel soft and snuggly.
I even joined the simple living movement and attended Simplicity Circles in the past, but there really wasn’t much interest and the groups eventually fell away.
That seems to be changing now as people are feeling more overwhelmed by crazy busy lives and brains that are overloaded. Clearing clutter, simple living, and minimalism are getting a lot of attention again.
Choosing to live simply is not about scarcity and living without. It is about discovering and focusing on what we find meaningful, beautiful, and useful. Our lives become full and rich because we have cleared the way to reveal what feeds our soul.
There are pros and cons to choosing a simple life, but as you can see by my list below, for me the scales are definitely tipped in one direction.
The Pros
- It feels calm, peaceful and less constricted
- You are surrounded by things you really love
- It’s easier to clean
- You have more space and less clutter
- You can find things quickly when you need them
- It saves time and energy
- Your ability to focus improves
- Your focus will be on people and experiences before things
- You are free from trying to live up to a false image
- You know what you have and where it is kept
- It’s good for the environment
- You have more money in the bank
- It’s less stressful
- You can afford quality when you minimize quantity
- You have more time and money to do what you love
- You attract people who like you for who you are, not your image
- You can cultivate more meaningful relationships and spend more time with family
The Cons
- You have fewer things to give or donate to people in need
- People may perceive you differently when you stop playing the image game
- You may see them differently
- You may trade old friends for new ones who are more open
- Can you tell I’m really having a hard time with the cons list?
Living simply is not an all or nothing thing. You can try it out in a small way and if it feels good move forward at your own speed. If you are like me, each step you take will lead you to a more peaceful life.
In the meantime, you might enjoy these blogs about the simple life:
Becoming Minimalist
Hip Diggs
Joel Zaslofsky
Don’t forget to comment! I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject.