I was talking to a client last night about living his values and he brought up a code he was taught when taking karate lessons as a kid. It reminded me of when I created a program for teenage girls called, Living as a Samurai. A big part of that experience was to create their own Samurai code to live by.
Honor codes have been around for years, but in my generation they were mostly in the world of men. They are common in martial arts, the military and sports. Some businesses have them too, but they might call them something else.
These codes of honor can support us in feeling stronger within ourselves and committed to how we want to live our lives. Using them as a guide can reduce stress, bring clarity, make decisions easier and help us stay focused on living as our best selves.
But, they need to be meaningful for us to take them to heart and that is why I suggest we all choose our own.
You can base your code on something that already exists or create something new that comes straight from your heart. Here are some examples of what my clients have used to create their own honor codes.
The Samurai Code: Justice, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty and Self-control
My Client’s Karate Class Code: Effort, Etiquette, Sincerity, Self-control, Character
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
- Be Impeccable with your word
- Don’t take anything personally
- Don’t make assumptions
- Always do your best
Identifying and Living Your Own Core Values: You can download a values identification exercise here. Simply choose your top 5.
Listening to Your Heart: Sit quietly or journal, asking yourself what code of honor you want to live by. Make a list of the things that come up and refine the list into your own personal code.
Note: Simple honor codes are easier to remember and focus on. I usually recommend up to 5 items, but many of my clients have done well with a few more.
I encourage you to take some time and play with this idea of creating your own code of honor. It can feel very grounding, simplify life and help you feel more confident and peaceful.
Go ahead. Give it a try. You will be glad you did.
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Naturally, this will take contemplation. Thanks for the idea.
You are welcome.