Having Trouble Forgiving & Letting Go? Try This…

forgiveness forgive forgiving

The concept of forgiving is very noble and we are told it is the right thing to do, but sometimes it is not so easy.

Even when we know that forgiving is not saying the other person was right we may still crave completion, an apology, a way to prevent it from happening to someone else, retribution, or even just understanding what happened. Continue reading

How to Cultivate Inner Peace

heart on fence inner peace

How peaceful are you feeling today? If you are like most people on earth there is probably a lot on your schedule and even more on your mind.

The following peace enhancing steps are ones that I taught at a retreat a couple years ago. I think you might like them. Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Life

spring clean spring cleaning

For the last year and a half I have lived in a place that has real seasons. Hot summers, fall leaves, winter snow, and birds and flowers in spring. But, I think my California brain is still adapting.

A little while ago we had a sunny and relatively warm day in the midst of winter. It fooled my brain and triggered a desire to spring clean, even though I knew the cold weather would return. I took advantage of the motivation and deep cleaned my house. It was a day of energy and satisfaction brought on by what felt like spring sunshine.

I loved having a preview of spring and appreciated how it motivated me to refresh and renew my space. And now, the change of seasons is really happening and I am ready to spring clean and spit polish my life all over again.

Would you like to join me? Here is how: Continue reading

A New More Empowering Perspective on Life Experiences

life experiences woman in trees

We are taught that we are living out our life in a line. A life line that is full of twists, turns, and maybe even corkscrews. As we follow this path we encounter experiences that can block us, throw us off track, or bring us up or down. Sometimes they even set us back so that we have to start over. It’s a perspective that can leave you feeling battered and powerless over time. Continue reading

A Quick & Easy Way to Stop Negative Thinking that Keeps You Stuck

rocket launch stop inertia get unstuck

It’s interesting how we can have incredible ideas, intentions and goals and then get totally stuck when we try to implement them. The likely culprit is that we start over thinking and fall into a pattern of negative thoughts. Excitement and planning can quickly shift to reasons we shouldn’t move forward or can’t make things happen, especially if fear has a say.

And then, we find ourselves stuck in indecision and losing motivation as self-doubt and inertia set in. Our lives stay the same and our dreams fade into the distance.

But, wait! There is a quick and easy way to shift this pattern and make things happen.  Here’s how it goes: Continue reading

Want to Clear Clutter? Start with These 25 Things that are Easy to Get Rid Of

Don't sutffocate! clear clutter declutter minimalism

Clearing clutter out of your home creates a more peaceful and supportive environment. But, sometimes it’s hard to get started or create positive momentum toward your clutter free goals.

Decluttering  can feel like an overwhelming project. That is, unless you can kick start the process. One way to do this is to start with some of the things listed below. Continue reading

5 Simple Soulful Practices You Can Start Today

wood heart in tree soulful practice

Soulful practices support you in feeling more peaceful, centered,and tapped into the inner guidance of your heart. They don’t have to be fancy and doing them regularly will help you sustain the peace they bring.

There are probably thousands of potential soulful practices and I have played with many of them. Here are 5 of my current favorites that are so simple you could start them today. Continue reading

The Snowball Effect – Creating Positive Momentum Toward Your Goals

debt snowball momentum

In his book, The Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey recommends a process he calls the debt snowball for paying off your bills. He suggests you list all your debts and then pay as much as you can toward the one with the lowest balance first and when it is paid off, move on to the next smallest bill.

Why the lowest balance first? Because, by starting with the smallest bills you build momentum, just like a snowball that grows and builds speed as it goes downhill. It also creates a pattern of success that motivates you to keep going. Continue reading

7 Reasons Why You Should Write Your Life Story

pen writing memoir autobiography life story

I love listening to people talk about their life story.  As a coach, hearing my clients’ stories is an important part of my work. Their histories often reveal what has shaped their lives today and also bring light to just how powerful, loving, and beautiful my clients really are. They may not be able to see it, but I sure can.

Gradually, this love of stories began to pull me into the idea of helping people honor their histories by writing them down, and I became certified as a guided autobiography (GAB) class instructor. Continue reading

How to Create a Simple Heartfelt Life

stones simple heartfelt life

Over the years I have felt drawn to the idea of creating a program or new foundation for my work around either simple heartfelt living or supporting women in midlife and beyond. Maybe, a combination of both. There have been several times when I created outlines and ideas that still reside in notebooks filed away, waiting to be shared with the world.

It happened again this morning as I was writing in my journal, another outline surrounded by heartfelt words of what I really want to share. I was surprised when I realized I keep creating the same outline over and over again with slight variations.

And then it was clear, the reason this idea keeps coming forward is that it is really about the life that I want to create for myself. And, share with you. A simple life, full of meaning and based on the guidance of my heart.  Continue reading

7 Questions that Will Help You Wipe Out Worry

worry worried woman looking a clouds and ocean

The human mind can be a dangerous thing. It can run away with our time, energy, and ability to be fully present in the real world. One of it’s favorite limiting tools is worry.

Fear also loves worry as it can be used to keep us busy and stuck so we don’t take chances or move out of our comfort zone.

If you were able to calculate how much of your life energy was actually wasted on imagining a scary future you would probably be shocked enough to take action and stop letting it control your life. But, how? Continue reading

Going Gray – When Should I Stop Coloring My Hair?

woman with grey hair, gray hair, stop coloring hair

It all began decades ago when I started adding sunny California highlights to my hair. And now, more than 30 years later my hair is still the same color I grew up with, or at least close to it thanks to Clairol Nice n Easy medium neutral blonde. Coloring my hair has been a monthly ritual for so long that it just seems like a basic part of life, like brushing my teeth or washing my face.

I’ve been thinking about giving it up.  Continue reading

Watch Your Language – Your Words are Hypnotizing You

words hypnotize you

It has been clear to me for a long time that the words we use impact our feelings and actions.  I write about it, coach it, and practice re-framing limiting language in my own life.  But, studying to become a Certified Hypnotherapist brought my understanding to a whole new level. Continue reading

50 Ways to Say No Gracefully and Effectively

just say no carved in tree

For some of us, including me, saying “no” can be challenging. We want to help and please, sometimes to our own detriment. I personally believe that most of us are way to busy these days and not honoring the time and space needed for ourselves to stay grounded and whole.

It’s important to be clear when enough is enough for you and honor those boundaries. And so, I thought I would share 50 ways that we can say no in a graceful and respectful way.

But first, I have a some tips that will help you say no successfully: Continue reading

12 Morning Practices that Start Your Day Off Right

good morning

Every day is a gift.  A blank slate to write on. The choices you make in the first moments after waking up can impact your energy, effectiveness, and mood for the entire day.  I am a big fan of morning practices and encourage you to create one of your own.

Here are some fun ideas for starting your morning off right: Continue reading

How to Eliminate Closet Clutter with a Simple Wardrobe

My simple summer wardrobe. Jeans are on the shelf above.

I had a lot of clothes. Many of them didn’t fit or seem to go with anything else in my closet.

Can you relate?

I’ve never been a big shopper, but my passion for finding deals tripped me up. Instead of having nice outfits to wear, I had a bunch of budget clothing misfits and a lot of closet clutter. Continue reading

Fantasies and Daydreams – Rehearsing for Your Future


woman daydreaming daydreams fantasies

An early teacher of mine on my personal growth journey, Kendrick Mercer, used to say that fantasies were good for us. His perspective was that daydreams and fantasies were how we rehearsed for our future reality. Continue reading

A 5 Step Process for Overcoming Life Challenges

angle trouble problems life challenges

Life challenges of any size can cause us to be reactive and clutter our mind with dis-empowering thoughts. Sometimes, we feel like we can’t even think at all, even though these are the most important times to see things clearly and respond wisely.

The following steps are ones I created for my clients and myself to focus on when we face life challenges. They have worked well for us and I hope they will prove valuable for you, too. Continue reading

Living in Alignment with Your Values

hearts representing values

We are happiest when our lives are in alignment with our core values.  Living this way nurtures what is most meaningful to us and allows us to feel more peaceful, grounded, and fulfilled. Anything that conflicts with our values will create more stress and dissonance in our lives. Continue reading