Moving from a Big City in California to a Small Town in Missouri – 6 Years Later

moving to a small town
move out of California

In the 6 years since I moved from CA I have lived in two houses, weathered a pandemic, adopted a dog and become a great-grandmother. Life is keeping me busy.

To honor the anniversary of my move, I thought it might be nice to share the series of posts I wrote about it all in one place.

I’ve coached several people looking to make a similar change and I know there are many more who are considering it. This story can help you know if a this type of move is right for you. 

It’s also an opportunity to share about the small town that welcomed me and that I’ve grown to love.

So here they are. I hope you enjoy them and if there is someone you know who is considering a similar move, please pass this post on to them. It may help.

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The Gifts of Living a Simple Life

gifts of simple living coffee book flowers simple life

When people hear that I choose to live simply they shake their heads and say they could never survive a simple life. In their minds they are picturing life in a cabin with one chair, one plate, and one fork. Or, a house that is cold, colorless, empty, and devoid of personality. And then, they imagine having to wear old, worn, and frumpy thrift store clothes, maybe even pioneer dresses. To them simple living sounds like a nightmare.

But, the truth is, it’s nothing like that at all.   Continue reading

Want to Clear Clutter? Start with These 25 Things that are Easy to Get Rid Of

Don't sutffocate! clear clutter declutter minimalism

Clearing clutter out of your home creates a more peaceful and supportive environment. But, sometimes it’s hard to get started or create positive momentum toward your clutter free goals.

Decluttering  can feel like an overwhelming project. That is, unless you can kick start the process. One way to do this is to start with some of the things listed below. Continue reading

Adjusting to Small Town Life – The Shopping Dilemma

small town shopping in Centralia MO

I’m still adjusting to my new small town life in Missouri. One of the things that still has me spinning is the whole shopping thing. Just when I thought I had it figured out and was settling in, fall weather came. And, I heard winter is on it’s way too.

My intention is to stock up and have what I need from the local city before Thanksgiving to avoid going there during the holiday craziness. Columbia is 30 to 40 minutes away, depending on what part of town you are going to.  I’m trying to shop local as much as possible, but there are some things that are either not available or cost much higher here. Continue reading

Is Tidying Up the Secret to Happiness?

clutter teddy bear on couch with messy

Not too long ago I found myself feeling kind of low. I was in a funk. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch and read novels with a cat on my lap.

This felt great for a couple days, but eventually I knew I needed to get moving. I was turning into a slug and I wasn’t sure how to become human again.

As I drove into my garage one day after running an errand I could feel my energy drop. My garage felt heavy, like something that weighed me down. While mostly neat, piled along the left wall were all the things I was saving for a garage sale. Over time that area had become, shall I say, messy.

When I realized how yucky the garage made me feel, I knew what my therapy would be. I started going through the cluttered piles of things and after a couple hours of sorting, organizing, throwing away, and generally tidying up, I felt good about what I had accomplished. Even now, pulling into my nice and tidy garage makes me smile.

When our car, house, or office look uncared for it can be a sign that we are: Continue reading