How to Figure Things Out

figure things out

“Everything is figureoutable.” – Marie Forleo

While I’m not sure that I agree that EVERYTHING is figureoutable, I’m pretty sure most things are. It’s not always easy though. Whether we are brainstorming or making decisions, the process will go more smoothly when we are focused and tap into what I call, empowered thinking.

Empowered thinking is when you bring your mind and your intuition together to help you discover what you need or want to know. If you only use one or the other the process can be hard, confusing and sometimes even impossible. It’s only when your intuition and mind work together that you can be your most effective and make the best choices.

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How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Intuition

fear and intuition woman with 2 colored eyes

In those crazy moments when we don’t know what to do or even how to begin to make a decision, intuition is the answer.

Fear doesn’t understand positive risk and thinks we are still two years old.  It wants to keep us safe but is deeply misguided.  We can’t trust our minds because they spin between different answers, telling us yes in one moment and no in the next.

Learning to discern which voice is your intuitive inner knowing is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and you can start right here: Continue reading

Where to Begin When You Feel Challenged in Multiple Areas of Your Life


woma pulled in different directions, challenged

When my latest new client first called she was overwhelmed and feeling challenged throughout her life and felt paralyzed.  She had no idea where to begin.  Her marriage was troubled, her job was stressful, she was very busy taking care of other people, and her physical health was declining.

When I asked her how this made her feel, she described feeling exhausted, ashamed, and depressed.  Can you relate?

I think she was surprised when I suggested she start by pulling in and taking care of herself. (She was hoping the first step would be making her husband change.)

I shared with her that when we face multiple challenges, it is important to start at the core.  This is where we have the greatest influence and can start a pattern of success.  For most of us, this core is about self-care and self-nurturing.

When your life feels like a mess, practice the art of pulling in.  Start with yourself.  You are the center of your life and all that happens in it.

Your body is one of your most precious assets and an excellent place to begin your journey. Nurturing your body into health will help you feel stronger, more confident, and energized.

It is from this place that you will be able to connect with the empowered wisdom that will support you in the rest of your life.

This is the path that my client is taking.  Her commitment to making her health a priority is already supporting her both physically and mentally.  She has more energy and feels more positive.  I am supporting her as she works through her life challenges and love witnessing her new confidence in being able to create the life she wants.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember that it all begins with you.  Pull in and take care of yourself.  When you create a foundation of health and well-being, the rest will start to fall into place.

If you would like support in moving through challenges, navigating transitions, or creating a more fulfilling life, I would love to help.

Simply go to the “contact me” page and request a free consultation.

Image by Cristian Newman – Unsplash

Feeling Scattered or Overwhelmed? Try This…

women with puzzle pieces falling away

We all have a lot going on in our lives and it is easy to get caught up in it.  The result may be feeling overwhelmed or like pieces of you are scattered all around.  Some of my clients describe feeling drained, not fully present, or just stressed about all they are trying to do.

The following visualization has supported many of my clients in returning to a more peaceful and empowered state.  I hope it supports you, as well.

  • Find a quiet, peaceful place (if possible)
  • Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to come into a relaxed state
  • Visualize pieces of yourself scattered around you and maybe even at a distance
  • Form an intention to draw them back in and become whole again
  • Breathe in deeply and as you breathe in visualize the scattered parts returning to you
  • Sit quietly for a few minutes breathing in and out and enjoying the feeling of wholeness