Spring Clean Your Life

spring clean spring cleaning

For the last year and a half I have lived in a place that has real seasons. Hot summers, fall leaves, winter snow, and birds and flowers in spring. But, I think my California brain is still adapting.

A little while ago we had a sunny and relatively warm day in the midst of winter. It fooled my brain and triggered a desire to spring clean, even though I knew the cold weather would return. I took advantage of the motivation and deep cleaned my house. It was a day of energy and satisfaction brought on by what felt like spring sunshine.

I loved having a preview of spring and appreciated how it motivated me to refresh and renew my space. And now, the change of seasons is really happening and I am ready to spring clean and spit polish my life all over again.

Would you like to join me? Here is how:

Start With an Intention

For many of you clearing clutter in your space, time, and relationships can be scary. Your brain can be very creative in finding ways to keep you from getting started. Setting a clear and positive intention for what you want to create will support you in moving forward. It is also good to write down why you want to do this and what it will feel like once it is complete to help keep you on track.

Know that You Have Enough Because You Are Enough

Sometimes we gather unnecessary things to fill a void, feel better about ourselves, or quiet a fear of not having enough. The truth is that because you are innately whole with or without things, the extra stuff is not serving a purpose at all. Keep reminding yourself that you have enough and don’t need more to feel better because you are already complete.

Let Go of What You Do Not Love or Use Regularly

Don’t stuffocate. Extra stuff keeps you from seeing and enjoying the things that you really love, use, and are meaningful to you. There is a sense of peace that comes from having space between things and the ability to see clearly and focus on your favorites.

People Can Be Clutter Too

Make a list of the core people in your life and evaluate how you feel when you are around them. Some will be uplifting and supportive, but most of you have at least one or two that drag you down. Consider what it would be like to let them go and surround yourself only with people you feel good with. If you can’t let them go, create a plan for limiting your contact with them and how you will minimize their impact on your in the future. Protect your energy by steering clear of the people who bring you down.

Where Does Your Time Go?

Take a look at your calendar. Does it reflect your values and what you say matters most? Our culture is all about being busy and doing more, especially if you have children. And it is likely you may be doing some things because you think you SHOULD or don’t know how to say no.

Honoring yourself means respecting your time and how it is used. Make sure that what you choose to do with the hours of your life feels right and allows space for rest and recovery. Instead of just letting things pile up, consciously choose what you put on your schedule.

Now, take a moment and close your eyes. Imagine what your life would feel like if your living space felt like a sanctuary, you were surrounded by uplifting people you loved, and your schedule had space for you to breathe and play. 

If you like what you see, it’s time to get started and spring clean your life.

If you would like coaching support for spring cleaning your life or living more simply, I would love to talk to you. You can contact me here

Related Posts:

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2 thoughts on “Spring Clean Your Life

  1. Keelie Reason says:

    You are right, if we don’t watch it, our lives and homes will get full stuff. Eventually, it becomes unwanted junk that you have to do something with.

    • Linda Luke says:

      Yes. Eventually all of those things we thought were important to accumulate end up being estate sale items going for a dollar or two. Our kids don’t want our stuff either. We need to stop stuffocating.

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