How to Re-energize Your Goals and Dreams

re-energize goals motivation

It’s pretty common that we feel energized when we set goals and intentions for our lives, but as time goes by and life happens that motivation can start to feel like a distant memory.

We remember the goals and are still vaguely aware of why we wanted them, but feel too busy, too tired, or just kind of stuck.  

We may even find ourselves spending a good part of our lives watching TV and munching away at cookies and chips instead of living into our dreams.

Sound familiar?

If it does, I have 4 magic questions for you, designed to re-energize your goals. I encourage you to spend some time with them and journal your answers. Diving into them will help you reconnect with what you really want and start moving toward it again.

Are you ready? Here they are:

  • Why do I deserve the results my goals will bring?
  • Why are they important to me?
  • How will I feel when I reach my desired outcome?
  • Who will I become through the process of getting there?

Keep your written answers readily available. You might want to post them, review them daily, or at least have them at hand if you feel your motivation waning again.

Related Posts:

How to Re-vitalize Your Life

How to Get Back on Track after Falling Into Inertia

How to Keep Your Goals & Resolutions Alive

I would love to hear what you think and appreciate any comments you leave. 

For coaching assistance in discovering what you want or making it a reality, you can contact me here

4 thoughts on “How to Re-energize Your Goals and Dreams

  1. Great questions. I also find thinking of my “goals” as my “vision” helps to keep me motivated. I know that it is simply changing a word: however, words are so powerful. For me a “goal” indicates hard work that sometimes doesn’t pay off which can lead to a feeling of failure, whereas a “vision” is far more inspiring. Andrew and I don’t have shared goals we have a shared vision for how we want our life to be.

    • Linda Luke says:

      I agree. I don’t usually use the word goals with my clients. We work with intentions that are more fluid. Focusing on your vision is great to. The way I think of it, visions and intentions are the umbrella and goals are the small steps that need to be taken. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this.

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