A New Perspective on Feeling Misunderstood

arguing couple

I recently had a situation where I felt misunderstood.  When I carefully reviewed what was said everything seemed to be clear, but it was obvious the other person was angry with me.

This is not something I was happy about, but sometimes, there is nothing we can do.

When we feel sure that our intention, words, and tone were clear and someone takes it wrong, the issue is usually with them..Their reaction is their responsibility.  I simply expressed concern about their feelings, let them know it was not my intention to hurt them, and then let it go.

The fact that I was upset about possibly losing the friendship was my responsibiliity and an opportunity for me to heal and grow spiritually.  My reaction was out of proportion to the situation and a sign that I was being triggered from the past. This awareness allowed me to release, reframe and move forward.

The following 3 steps will support you in responding from this new perspective the next time you feel misunderstood.

  1. Review the communication to be sure it was clear and positive.
  2. Remember that the person who is upset is responsible for their own reaction
  3. Evaluate your own response.  If you were feeling  triggered or reacting instead of responding, there is an opportunity for you to heal and grow.