Making Your Dreams Come True

dreaming dreams come true
dream coaching life coach

Most of us are talented dreamers. I know I am. My dreams range from real world goals to fantasies about traveling the U.S. in a motor home, bringing small broken down houses back to life, and doing things I’m not sure my body is up for anymore. Some are real desires and some are daydreams, but I love them all.

My clients have amazing dreams, too. Many of them are creating businesses or evolving ones they already have to be even more magical. Some are working on relationships or recovering from life upheavals. Being more healthy, energized, and happy are also common themes that they want to focus on.

I have most of my clients journal about their dreams. I encourage them to listen to their hearts and create visions for what they want their future lives to look like. Once they have clear visions they can start taking steps to make them come true.

But, dreaming and doing are two different things

Most of us get stuck at some point along our dream fulfilling journeys. We lose our forward momentum and then our inner bullies come out to play. We are harder on ourselves than we would ever be on others, not realizing that this is the time to be gentle and nurture our hearts because the real reason we are stuck is fear.

The situations, people, limited time, and lack of motivation that we blame are just tools that fear uses to keep us safe. It wants to protect us from taking risks and keep us trapped in our comfort zones.

But, those dreams that are calling to your heart, begging to be brought into reality are worth fighting for and require stepping out of comfort and into your power.

5 Ways to Ensure Your Dreams Come True

Get Grounded in Your “Why”: One of the first steps in your dream fulfilling process should be writing down why your dream is important to you and what it will feel like when it is achieved. This can be a powerful resource for maintaining motivation in the future.

Make a Decision: Don’t be wishy washy when it comes to your dreams. Just DECIDE to make them come true, no matter what.

Connect with Your Dreams Daily: Nurture your motivation by reading your dreams and “why” every morning. Feel free to cheer yourself on with affirmations or meaningful words that speak to your heart.

Take One Step Toward Your Goals Every Day: It doesn’t have to be big, a baby step will do. Build a pattern of success and forward momentum with these daily actions. This will feed your confidence and help you realize how achievable your dreams really are.

Side Step Blocks and Fear: If you find yourself stuck simply ask yourself (preferably in your journal), “If I wasn’t stuck what would my next step be?”. And then, do that thing right away. This allows you to step around whatever block fear has put in your path.

The dreams of your heart are there for a reason, like sacred contracts meant to be lived. If you don’t move toward them, you are letting the world know that you are willing to accept whatever default life comes your way.

Don’t wait too long and find yourself lying on your death bed with regrets. The time to bring your dreams into the real world is now! I know you can do it. I see it happen all the time.

If you would like coaching support along the path to your dreams, you can contact me here.

Related Posts:

5 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Life

How to Re-energize Your Goals & Dreams

How to Stop Fear Before It Stops You