Living a Life of Grace & Gratitude

simple living grace and gratitude simple life

Today, I am remembering special moments from my past and feeling into who I have become and what I want more of in my life.

I guess you could say I am in an introspective mood.

From this perspective I can see the gifts of my past challenges and how they supported me in becoming who I am today. I don’t believe in regrets, but have a few. Mostly, I am amazed by my journey and how I moved from feeling broken and unable to function to raising a wonderful son, becoming a coach, and creating a life of grace and gratitude.

It’s never perfect and not always pretty, but for the most part I have come to a point of feeling peaceful with who I am and what my life looks like today.

My heart is full. Full of love for the people around me. Full of gratitude for my journey so far. Full of possibilities for what I want to create next.

I hope you are feeling the same, but if you aren’t, here are some steps for you to consider.

10 Ways to Live a Life of Grace and Gratitude

Understand who you are and live authentically – Just be you. All those concerns you have about how you look, act, or what people think don’t matter. When you are truly yourself you will attract the people who will appreciate you for who you really are. And, your inner and outer worlds will align, reducing stress and bringing more peace into your life.

Let your heart guide you – Your inner spirit speaks through your heart. God does too. So, use your brain as a tool to gather information, but listen to to the guidance of your heart in the end.

Take care of yourself – In order to live you need to take care of your body. Your mind and spirit need support, too. Without self-care your life becomes limited, but with it your possibilities are endless.

Practice kindness and compassion – When you live a loving life, you feel surrounded by love. And, you will be making a difference in the world, whether you feel it or not. Being kind hearted will enhance the well-being of everyone in your life, including you.

Limit drama and embrace peace – Don’t let drama and discord take up space in your life. Limit your exposure to what could be unnecessarily upsetting and focus on what is peaceful, useful, and warms your heart. You will feel much better when you do.

Live simply – Don’t let the things you own, your schedule, or people stuffocate you. When you focus your attention on what you find useful, beautiful, or meaningful and let the rest go, you create a sanctuary in both your heart and home.

Spend time in nature – God can be felt in nature. You don’t have to be a hiker or gardener to connect with it. The wonders of nature can be found most anywhere, even in a weed growing through a crack in a sidewalk. Take time to notice the beautiful natural world around you. Appreciate it, breathe it in, or take a picture to preserve the memory.

Live the truth –  Living your truth includes always being honest and doing what you say you will. Dishonesty and broken agreements damage relationships and destroy trust, even if they are with yourself. Speaking and living the truth is one of the most empowering things you can do.

Embrace daily practices – Creating a framework for your days can improve your mood, focus, and connection to your heart. Morning practices might include journaling, reading something uplifting, exercise, meditation, or setting intentions for the day. At night you may want to consider a gratitude practice, relaxation, reading, praying, or something that helps you sleep well.

Live in the present moment – Focusing on your present moments limits space in your mind for worrying about the future or feeling bad about the past. Too many of us live in our heads most of the time and don’t notice the small moments of our days that are passing us by. You will be more effective and feel more grounded when you pay attention to what is happening right now.

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2 thoughts on “Living a Life of Grace & Gratitude

  1. Debrah says:

    It sounds like you and I are sort of on the same wave length. Maybe partly a product of deliberate choices on our parts, but also I think a natural progression of aging. We start to realize that all the drama that accompanied our young years, was counter productive and a complete waste of time and energy. All your tips were good ones!

    • Linda Luke says:

      Thank you. I agree that it seems to be a natural progressing of aging, but have also witnessed many who never found their way. So glad we are experiencing this together.

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