A New More Empowering Perspective on Life Experiences

life experiences woman in trees

We are taught that we are living out our life in a line. A life line that is full of twists, turns, and maybe even corkscrews. As we follow this path we encounter experiences that can block us, throw us off track, or bring us up or down. Sometimes they even set us back so that we have to start over. It’s a perspective that can leave you feeling battered and powerless over time.

But, what if instead of our traveling this roller coaster line, our lives are simply a series of experiences passing by. We stand still and solid like well rooted trees as these life breezes and winds rustle our leaves. Even if the leaves are stripped bare, they will grow back with the next season.

The experiences in our lives are temporary, like movies that our souls are watching. They don’t make, break, or define us.  Any anger or pain will blow away with the breeze, unless we choose to hold onto it.

This perspective takes us from feeling like victims of life to feeling strong and empowered. 

What do you think might happen if you chose to view you life this way? How would you feel? What would be possible for you if you felt well rooted as you watch the movie of your life?

You can do it. It’s just a simple paradigm shift. Go ahead. Try it for today and see how it feels.

You can choose it every day if you want.

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