How to Limit Negative Influences in Your Life


negative influences happy and sad smileys

Years ago I went through a time period when I was feeling sad and I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. It had happened gradually without my realizing what was going on. My days felt hard and my heart was heavy.

And then, one evening I was sitting on my couch watching TV and began to cry. I realized this was becoming a pattern and that is when I realized what was happening.

Watching an animal rescue show every evening that featured starving, abused animals in desperate situations was dragging me down. Even with the happy endings, my heart was heavy with seeing what they went through.

My choice of “entertainment” was impacting how I felt.

There are many ways that our small choices can influence our moods, feelings, and level of hope about the world.  In many cases the descent into feeling negative happens so gradually we are not even aware of it.

The following steps can help you limit negativity in your life and start to feel positive again:

Remember that violence, hatred, and stories of hopelessness are not entertainment. If you look at the top movies, TV shows, video games, and current bestseller books, you will find that murder and violence are big sellers.

Studies show that our bodies and minds cannot separate types of input and experience the negative entertainment we choose as if it were really happening. Putting ourselves through this unnecessary stress and sadness can negatively effect our health and sense of well-being.

Limit your exposure to the news. There are ways to be informed and stay positive. Some people choose foreign news channels or online news where they can skim the headlines and choose when to read the full articles or watch videos.

Look for beauty, magical moments, and opportunities to feel grateful. They are all around us, but we may be missing them if our focus is on the other “stuff”. Create a practice that brings your awareness to the amazingly wonderful things in the world around you.

If you don’t know how to start, try writing 5 things you are grateful for every day. There are studies that show this practice can shift your brain into a more positive mode.

Clean up your perspective. Much of what causes us to feel bad comes from mis-beliefs or warped world views we have adopted from the people around us. When you notice a thought pattern that is negative, challenge it. Is it absolutely, without a doubt, 100% true? If not, let it go.

Ground yourself in your present moments. Worry, sadness, guilt, fear, and all the other yucky stuff are not a part of this exact moment you are experiencing right now. Guilt and sadness are about the past and worry and fear are related to the future. When you stay focused on your immediate present moments, you will feel more calm, positive, and peaceful.

Surround yourself with positive energy. Consciously choose to be in environments with people that lift you up and filter your entertainment and other input for positivity. This will help you stay focused on the blessings and possibilities around you.

When you curate your life in a way that supports your feeling more positive and happy others will notice. This will be your opportunity to model what a positive influenced life looks like and become a beacon of light for others. Wouldn’t that be cool?

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5 thoughts on “How to Limit Negative Influences in Your Life

  1. Penny McDaniel says:

    All excellent points, Linda! So much around us impacts us in ways that we aren’t always aware of and it can just zap the energy right out of us. Then we are left wondering why we are feeling the way we feel.

    I’ve gotten to the point that I put the TV on only for the music channels or the weather. I’ve stopped watching the news altogether. Like you said, it’s so important to surround yourself with positive things and people.

    Wonderful post! <3

    • Linda Luke says:

      Thank you Penny. I went without TV for years until recently when a friend thought I needed one in case of earthquakes or disasters. My commitment is to only watch things that carry higher energy and I am also aware of how tempting it is.

  2. Amy White says:

    Such a great post! It’s so often we forget about how the things around us and in our environment, many of them things we have chosen, directly impact the quality of our life! Thanks for sharing!

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